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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. An Easter tradition Most of my my dogs have not been peeps fans, but it sure looks like Mark, Annie, and Punkin are!
  2. I have had pretty good luck with the Springtime supplements. Fresh Factors and Joint Health chewables. All my dogs, except one, liked the chewables and considered them treats.
  3. Prey drive is a very individual thing, anywhere from very high to totally not interested. Many dogs, not just greyhounds, show interest in anything that is moving fast, and inside is usually different from outside. It is a good idea to keep your dog leashed outside until you know how she responds, but it sounds like has shown a pretty low prey drive. The chasing and barking with other dogs is just play.
  4. I have to agree with Mark, treats should not have to be worked for
  5. I have had tramadol work for some of my dogs, not for others and one definitely had a very bad reaction. It really does depend on the dog. If gabapentin does not agree with her perhaps something like meloxicam would work?
  6. You have gotten some great advice here so I won’t add anything except to say, don’t feel guilty if you fail, it is so common, but also don’t feel bad if you decide that your foster is a great dog, but not your dog. I mostly failed, to the point that the group just rolled their eyes when I said “foster”, but there were a few that I was able to pass on to their new families. They were lovely dogs and I missed them, but they just weren’t right for my household.
  7. Happy Birthday Logan! I hope you get extra special treats later
  8. I mean, how terrible! () Seriously, I am glad you are both all right. I had some thing similar happen, except I did manage not to fall on the dogs. By faceplanting myself on the road
  9. Addie is beautiful I loved how they talked more about what Addie would like or what Addie would need than their kids Only one question, who was that weird guy down in the corner?
  10. I now have a dog door (and am retired) but when I got my first greyhound I was gone at work for 9-9.5 hrs five days a week, plus one day a week my schedule was 12-9 instead of 9-6 with no dog door. She was just fine with that schedule, never had an accident. After that, whenever I got a new dog I would come home at lunch for the first week or so and let them out. After a week, or sooner, when I came home they would look up from their beds and say “why are you disturbing our nap?” Generally, if they are healthy, anything up to about 9 hours should be fine. Obviously, if there are health or behavior issues, or you have an elderly dog, things could change. Good luck!
  11. You want to be careful about her jumping on/off things or racing around the yard (for example) because the bone is weakened and could re-break, even if it isn’t cancer. Good luck
  12. They all look great but Rocket’s attitude makes him the winner!
  13. I am so sorry, Su sounds like she was one of those extra special souls
  14. Good girl Grace for not whapping Guinness upside the head for his bad manners! Of course, this is all still pretty new and Guinness is still figuring out what is acceptable. Actually sounds like things are going well, overall. I always supervise when the dogs are eating, just in case.
  15. I am so sorry I’ve had two break a leg and I know what a horrible thing that is to go through
  16. Looks like a lovey vacation Buddy! I love seeing your handsome grey/black face
  17. I have a friend who agrees with you Taylor!
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