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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Remolacha


    I am so, so sorry. I have been dreading this day. I know you did your best for him, right to the end, when it was time to let him go. You know he will be missed by all of us.
  2. Over time, it gets, not easier, but less like a punch in the gut. You never stop missing them, but, you wouldn't want to.
  3. Remolacha


    How horrible! I believe you are right, they wanted to be together
  4. Thank you for posting this. I sent it to my friend who just lost her 18 yr old kitty. She said, it made me cry, and I said, it made me cry too, that's why I sent it to you. I'm saving a copy for myself. With five of my seven animals being seniors, I know I'll need it, sooner than I would like.
  5. Remolacha

    Old Fella

    I am so very sorry for your loss
  6. I am so sorry. She truely was a magic girl.
  7. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my heart kitty after 19 years, it is hard to loose them after so long, but you know she had a good long life. If they can go at home, I think that is best.
  8. I am so sorry, she was a very special girl. We are never ready for them to leave, but she is without pain and running free.
  9. Remolacha


    I am so sorry. You did make his last days some of the best days of his life.
  10. a beautiful tribute, I am so sorry.
  11. I am so sorry. I lost my bunny that way a little over a year ago.
  12. Remolacha


    I am so sorry, I know how hard it is to loose your heart kittie. It is so hard to let them go, but you did the right thing.
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