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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Poor Punkin! You'll be feelin more yourself in no time at all.
  2. Wiki is down for this scheme. As long as no one thinks WikiLeaks is because she has housebreaking issues. Girl's got a stainless steel bladder the size of Texas and can hold it forever! But she's also a marker and can always deliver on demand.
  3. Wiki likes to rip up paper too. She's got her head in any box or package that comes in the house. She'll rip up bubble wrap too. She really seems to like the popping noises. Buddy
  4. I’m afraid I’m not going to be of any help, but I can sympathize, I too have a jumpy hound and nothing I do can make her stop. When I first got her she would jump on guests, that has stopped and now she saves her Jump Around routine for me when it’s time for a walk. Like you, I’ve tried all the normal things to get her to stop and also like you nothing works. She’ll stop if I stop moving but the second I move she’s back at it. She knows “go to your bed” but it’s totally useless when she’s in that state of mind. I feel like I’ve tried everything, but I’m curious what else all the smart folks here have to say.
  5. Nutter for sure! But a very clever and talented one.
  6. Looks like you used up too much striping on one and didn't have enough to finish the other one.
  7. He is so cute! I had to look up Podenco Orito. Sounds like you've got a rare breed!
  8. Happy Easter! Wiki is in the not a fan of Peeps club. She politely took a piece but then dropped it and walked away.
  9. I'm glad Doolin got an all clear. But that Willa girl is knot rite. Have you seen any side effects of the Profender treatment?
  10. How are all my wormy friends doing? Wiki had her annual check up this week. She's still antigen positive and asymptomatic. She got a good report otherwise. She is known around the clinic as "the chronic hookworm kiddo".
  11. You have every right to be mad. If feels like he can just rifle through your pantry, what else is is rummaging through when you're not there? Not to mention blatantly disregarding your instructions. I would probably leave two treats on the counter with a note that the dogs are on a restricted diet and they each get one when he leaves. And hide the rest away somewhere. Maybe do some top secret detective moves like put a hair across the box top so you know if it's been disturbed.
  12. Oh poor Buddy! The Black Bandit admires your spirit. And your fancy socks. Wiki herownself fell in a storm sewer grate last week. It's my greatest fear and not her fault because it was totally covered with snow and we didn't know it was there. She got herself out immediately but did also tear her carpal pad. She didn't get quite the level of care that Buddy did though. Just some ointment and a stern warning not to lick it.
  13. My beautiful girl. And 30 minutes later. It was dark by then so the picture is bad, but I think it adds to the atmosphere.
  14. Punkin is asking Annie if she's seen any snow clods she could poop on. Wiki peed on one the other day and I thought of you guys.
  15. She's right here with me. She doesn't like to be out of my sight unless she's doing bandit business.
  16. This made me laugh so hard! Because it's true. Give your weirdos a smooch from me.
  17. Sweet Punkin! That happens on Wiki walkies too. I try to wipe it off and she's like a little kid when you try to wipe their nose, "mom, don't!"
  18. A dog doesn't have to be on the couch. You can make that a rule as soon as he arrives. That makes things much easier. And not all dogs want to be on the couch. Neither of my two greyhounds ever even considered getting on the furniture, even after spending time with dogs who did.
  19. Great update! Logan deserves an extra special treat for his ordeal.
  20. Yes! This is what I was coming here to say. Not on the carpet! Not on the carpet! Both situations made all the more traumatic when you can't see and waste precious seconds deciding if you want to put your glasses on or not. And I too would scream if I had a slug stuck between my toes.
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