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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. A dog doesn't have to be on the couch. You can make that a rule as soon as he arrives. That makes things much easier. And not all dogs want to be on the couch. Neither of my two greyhounds ever even considered getting on the furniture, even after spending time with dogs who did.
  2. Great update! Logan deserves an extra special treat for his ordeal.
  3. Yes! This is what I was coming here to say. Not on the carpet! Not on the carpet! Both situations made all the more traumatic when you can't see and waste precious seconds deciding if you want to put your glasses on or not. And I too would scream if I had a slug stuck between my toes.
  4. Wow! I'm honored to get the Miss Jan seal of approval! I've only had one old dog and you've had so many/
  5. My vet stops all vaccines except for rabies at age 10. They should have full immunity at that point. My Lila was due for a rabies vaccine at age 13 and I wanted to skip that too but my vet convinced me to do it because if something happened she would be able to quarantine at home. If the rabies vaccine was not current, she would have to be boarded somewhere for the quarantine period. I personally, would not do a maintenance dental on a 13 year old, but I would address any more serious issues. Bloodwork of course, and I would run a urinalysis. A palliative care vet told me that old dogs often have asymptomatic urinary tract infections that can become more serious if left untreated. Congratulations on the upcoming milestone birthday!
  6. I missed this yesterday. I'm glad Annie is on the mend!
  7. So cool! I know the person who took these pictures!
  8. She'll probably change her mind about where she likes to go as she settles into her routine. Maybe she was on concrete more that grass where she came from. But it's not entirely a bad thing. My first greyhound would only go on grass. She would go in the yard if there was a little bit of snow but if there was a lot (I'm in Wisconsin) it got difficult. Once there were snowbanks along the streets it was a real struggle.
  9. Sounds like Wiki's got some work to do. I'll pack her up and send her off on a tour of the States to help houndies, and Malinois, in need. Buddy will have to cover the UK, probably all of Europe really.
  10. No, she's got it in a 3 point hold - neck, paw, and nosie.
  11. Wiki will come subdue the evil, noisy sucking machine of death for any houndie that fears it.
  12. The girlies look sad! Do you have someone plow you out? I like your license plate.
  13. Welcome from Wisconsin! Kayra is cute! I have no puppy experience but my current greyhound was a brood momma and has no problem yelling at unruly puppies. I could send her to you for while.
  14. He's got a very long neck! They are both gorgeous.
  15. The Goobers look great! And you've given me lots of new places to shop.
  16. Oh my! And he's out playing in the dirt like a commoner.
  17. They are lined up so nicely! Is Mooney royalty, coming from such a fancy place?
  18. Thanks for all the good wishes! Wiki is sleeping off all the festivities today. I love hearing about the other young at heart houndies!
  19. What a love! She's AnnIE, I'm Exhausted. I was just happy that Wiki laid down in the car for one minute today.
  20. Happy birthday to my sweet and spunky girl! She’s had a great day filled with visitors and presents and treats and a trip to the feed store. She even got a whole cupcake! I told her now that she is a mature lady she must act her age. I don’t think that’s going to happen.
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