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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Yes, I need to do a better job of keeping her face washed. I guess it's some enzyme in her saliva, probably because her mouth is a mess. Her teeth are solidly in her head but she's got essentially fillings in almost all of them and she still chews on her crate.
  2. Well, I guess I can't post a video here after all. So instead of Wiki daintly eating a piece of watermelon, here she is relaxing in the yard.
  3. Good job AnnIE! And don't worry Punkin, you'll get it too. Wiki would like all of our doors to be replaced by something like this so she would no longer be contained by doorknobs.
  4. Poor Punkin, you've had a rough few weeks! I'm glad you got good results and are feeling better.
  5. I thought it really looked like her, and captures the spirit of the Black Bandit.
  6. https://www.etsy.com/listing/560640024/black-greyhound-greyhound-art-black?click_key=c728abbf91210e4cddb117e935ded255c9740b7e%3A560640024&click_sum=9fed4010&ref=as_recently_viewed-1&frs=1 I misread where it was coming from as NH (New Hampshire) but it's really NL (Netherlands). But shipping was free and it's already on the way.
  7. Oh my! I hope the situation was resolved quickly.
  8. They are all great! I have a painting that represents Lila. I do need to find something that captures the spirit of Wiki.
  9. Most of the time stuff like this is nothing, dogs are weird. But greyhounds are also super Routine Dogs. She has probably figured out that your wife is going to leave and that makes her a little anxious. Maybe make your wife leaving a fun time, like she gives your pup a great treat on her way out?
  10. Living at Camp Broodie must be an influence on Mark, he has a lot of similarities to Wiki.
  11. Happy birthday kids! You both look spectacular in your crowns.
  12. Happy birthday LaVida! I like your beaded necklace.
  13. This girl is the Queen of the Lean. But she's got better options.
  14. Sorry Milo, the rabbit is inanimate. The plug is for the TV and the battery pack balanced on the handle of the can is for some pink lights wound around the cherry blossom branches, which have somehow been knocked askew.
  15. It was a poor choice for a place to lay down, but she's sticking with it.
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