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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Pee marker Wiki is now lobbying for us to get 2-10 more dogs so she's always got an in house supply of other pee to pee on. In the summer we were walking in the morning. She would not pee in the backyard before we went for our walk. I'm talking 12+ hours sometimes. I am convinced she was holding on to it to spread around the neighborhood. Now we are walking in the afternoons and she has no problem peeing in the yard in the morning. She's a clever one.
  2. You've been through a lot! I'm glad everyone is on the mend. Hope you can get some good sleep now.
  3. I hope Opal is OK. My Lila was a horrible car rider so I was thrilled the first time I put Wiki in my car and she was laying down by the end of the block. Her fosters had been taking her to the vet every day for bandage changes on her amputated toe so car trips were not a lot of fun. But then I started taking her fun places; shopping, parks, breweries and that changed everything. I suppose it’s my fault, I ruined her.
  4. It’s an illusion! I guess her molars aren’t bad but you can’t see her canines and incisors. She was/is a crate chewer and her teeth are BADLY worn down. Her canines are short and flat instead of pointed, and stained. I think she lucked out though in getting her initial vetting with the adoption group at a teaching hospital. Almost all of her teeth have pulp caps which seem to be unusual and like fillings. She probably would have lost most of her teeth otherwise.
  5. I don’t want to take anything away from dear AnnIE riding so sweet and contented, but I thought it was a good contrast to this –
  6. Did she think the girls were going to attack her because she smelled of cat? What a ding dong.
  7. Was there really a cat? This summer on Wiki walkies we someone walking a small dog. It's long tail was straight up in the air. I couldn't think of any kind of dog that carried a tail like that. Because it was a cat! On a leash, out for a walk. When they saw Wiki they turned around.
  8. I think they're talking about whose stripey pattern is better.
  9. Sorry girls, you are Hounds of the North now. This is your life. But you will get used to it. Wiki goes out for quick potties naked unless it's below zero.
  10. I didn't know she was a momma, that makes her even better Welcome home Dio!
  11. Carrot? That's what happens to them around here.
  12. It's amazing how some simple lines can accurately capture these beautiful creatures.
  13. Beautiful pictures of beautiful hounds! Wiki is mad that Willa and Doolin got a nice photo shoot and I posted an embarrassing picture of her.
  14. All my fences are my neighbor’s fences. And that side is the worst, just cheap, flimsy chain link. I really don’t want to put up a barrier, and it’s winter in Wisconsin. All dogs are spayed girls. I had the same theory as Chris, that the original shepherd doesn’t like the new one visiting with Wiki. I don’t know if Wiki’s response is, “Hey you kids knock it off” or “You wanna rumble? Let’s go!” The owners are good. They try to call off their dogs when this happens, but they don’t listen, and they are often in the yard unsupervised because they will run and play for hours. I do try to check if they are out before letting Wiki out. And most of the time if they are all out at the same time nothing happens. But we do like spending time in the yard and I don’t want to not be able to do that. I suppose for now it’s just vigilance and hoping they get over it.
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