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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Oh deer, what a report this mornink! Growlies, bloody poops, barfing, screaming. I myownself had a bad skweeky belly. Mistress says I’ll feel bedder iffen I eat sumthin but I don’t wanna eat nuthin cept liklik sum peenit budder. She shoved a pepcid in me and left a jerky strip and a biskie on my beddy when she went in the shower and when she come out, they were gone and no more skweeks! I’m not kwite ready for brekkie yet tho. Sendin good thots for poor sweet leddle Rita! Wiki
  2. That's a good report for a 14+ hound with leukemia. I hope the new meds keep him feeling good. And there's nothing wrong with Wiki and she requires toppers on kibble. And breakfast in bed, served to her with a spoon.
  3. Andipants, our yard is still kinda in winter mode. The peenk & purkle chairs and the firepit are still huddled on the patio until Mistress fixes up the lawn a leddle bit. Then she’ll move them out and take the patio furnachoor oudda the garaj. We gots lotsa booshes and trees that are mostly allowed to juss be wild. And Mistress puts out solar lites and hangs stuff from the trees and on the fents. It’s nice to hang out back there when the weather is good. But I don’t got an outside beddie. As you may recall, I don’t wanna be out there by myownself. But iffen Mistress is werkin out there or relaxin she puts down the Mexican blankie that Whiskey sent for Lila and I go on there an nap. I invite alla youse to come hang out wiff us in the yard. Mayhaps in Joon would be good. Wiki
  4. He's the smartest one. He knows the bunny is on the other side of the fence so it makes no sense to bother wasting energy on it.
  5. We had a troo sign of spring here, my Mistress changed her beddink from flannels to perkale. And yessirday for Wiki walkie she wore a lite elbone sleeve shirt and no jackie. Today she hadda go back to purkle parka and glubs and was sad she forgot some kinda ear cubber. They say this relapse will only be one day, we’ll see. Angus, there is always sum hexcitemint at your house! I’m glad your construktshun is unner way Andipants, I forgot to say the other day that your deckin looks faboo! Mistress put the peenk and purkle chairs on our patio, but as per above it’s not toadally patio weather here yet. We gotta go back to werk. Miss Loosy will like to know Mistress’ bizniss is doing an upgrade. Dontcha miss it? But Mistress is havin a hard time gettin anybuddy to confirm that they are aktually testin it. Wiki
  6. Ack, Mistress' werk lappertopper seems to block alla pitchers now. So I am juss seein that everybuddy gots noo collars! They are all great! I'm ontse again jellis. And lookit Zorro del galgo's leddle bum! Angie & Kiva, that's great noos for your daddieman! Wiki, stuck at home wiff no adventsures or noo collars
  7. Oh Fancy! This is the one time a tick disease is a good thin! Them medisins should have you feelin bedder riteawaykwik! What a releaf! In other noos, I am spoilt by my Mistress' long weekend and am not happy wiff alla her attenshun on the puter today and not me. Wiki
  8. Checkin for noos on FancyToo...... Whilst we wait, I'll say the story of Lacifur fallin off the beddy but gettin stuck and not caring one bit makes us laff and laff! And Lupin, you are too good lookin and your mummy is too good fotografer, you make me look bad. Wiki
  9. It's Mistress' last day of long weekend and we're being bizzy. Past two days she's bin takin down the beeg ded trunks of the Juneberry boosh (mayhaps other peeple call it Serviceberry). They are like 20 feet tall and bout beeg round as her arm (she's got normal hooman arms I guess). She's only got a hand saw so she juss goes for it and hopes it don't fall on her hed. So far so good! But she's desided the beegest one is too much too skary to for her. I should be able to catch up on the noos whilst she's werkin tamarra so for now I'll juss say we'll be backandforthin for FancyToo tamarra! And... Happy Birthday Lupin! Wiki
  10. Great GIG reports! I like to see alla pitchers of my friendlies! I was theenkin that PIA Lacey looked like a nice, well behaved doggie but then I theenk that Miss Cindy’s got her in a hold there so she don’t get away and reek havoc. I shore wish I coulda seen alla them stuffed lllllammmas. I’d chomp them all! It is cold and windy here. Mistress hadda go back to full winter gear for Wiki walkie today. Then she went out to try to buy sum spektacles but that did not go as planned. She stopped in a few stores juss to look round, whitch she never does no more. The poor girl is not used to mixin wiff the unwashed masses anymore and she was shocked and disgusted. And she don’t beleaf reports bout the conomy being bad, them masses were buyin all kindsa stuff by the cartload. I guess she’ll try again for the spektacles on Monday when hopefully it will be kwieter and stick to her usual haunts of the feed store, groshree store, Targit, and her favrit restyrants. Now alla my blankies are in the washer. My beddies are all still here but it’s juss not the same wiffout a blankie on them. Wiki
  11. AnnIE looks so proud to be going to her job! Jan & Nancy should be proud of their work too. I hope to one day have a dog who can do that kind of stuff. Wiki is not well suited to laying down quietly in a new place.
  12. Hi! Hi! Hi! It is Mistress’ monthly long weekend! She went out to do sum shoppink affer Wiki walkie. She says mostly she bot stuff for me. My meat and wet foods and treets. And she bot a load of stuff for upcoming food collektshun. I theenk only food she bot for herownself was oatmeals and cheez. But she got sum good clearance plants from Wallywhirld. She was jellis of Miss Nancy’s Aldi plants cause ours didn’t have em even for full price. But today she got two leddle pots wiff three narcissississ for $1 each. And a great beeg bowl of 10 hyacinthias in peenk and purkle for $5. She saves up the bulbs to plant then they come up next spring and make her happy. Boff of those kinds go reel good in our yard and the skwirrls don’t ear em. Happy birthdays to Cali and Kibo and Joshi! There must be a beeg party at the farm today. Kiva, you look so sweet there on the beddy! We don’t see you galga girlies enuff! I hope you and everybuddy elts at the GIG have fun. FancyToo, I’m so sorry your leggie is feelin owchie. We don’t even wanna theenk bout possibilities beyond a broken toenail. Andipants, we wish there was sum way for your momma to get sum helps takin care of your daddieman. That’s a lot for one hooman to do. Charlie, I’m glad you and Zorro got a good report from the vet lady! Wiki
  13. Oh poor Lupin! That was indeed a vary bad day for you and your mummy. Where is your greebius injoory? And what color is your banditch? Stoopid skwirrl! Sorry you’re gonna starve Ivy & Cherry. I bet your mom is gonna be reel happy to have noo winders tho. And I can send you my food, the kibbles at leest, cause I don’t like kibbles. Well, today I did eat them on account canned puppy chow on them, but I didn’t like it. Have fun on your trip Miss Lizabeth! Jupe and Misser Richard will be fine and have fun being men home alone. We had a mystree at our house. Mistress was hearin a high pitch whiney noise in the basemint. No, it was not me! My whiney noise is lowder and I’m not allowed in the basemint. Her dektif werk said it was the wader heeter so the plummer came lass week and said nope, not the wader heeter, it’s the furniss. So this mornin the furniss guy came and determined it’s not the furniss. Thankfooly he liked a mystree and checked everythin! Shut off the whole house waders, shut off the whole house lektricity, still makin a noise! Mistress was glad to learn she don’t have a sneeky wader leek or lektrical prollem. But what’s makin the noise? The wader heeter! The dude shut off the pilot lite and finelee the noise stopped. We are vary grateful for this helpful guy and now the plummer is comin back tamarra and Mistress made shore to tell them she ain’t payin a service fee again. It is beeg rainy rains and Wiki walkie seems unlikely. I agreed to pee in the backyard. Wiki
  14. Mornink! It’s not so warm today so I had a good Wiki walkie. I met two vary nice young men who were werkin on utility poles. They gave me pets and axed lotsa questions bout me. One guy said he always wanted to meet a reel greyhound. We are under high windy warnink for this evenin but now they say the severes will go south of us. Miss Noo Carol and Journey’s mom stay safe iffen they are your way! My Mistress also is intreeged and outraged by the Post Office show and story. She was shocked to learn it’s still not resolved. Werkin the kinda job she does, she knows this is no axident and it was toadally covered up by someone. There is no way they didn’t know what was happenin and to not address it immediately is criminal. It is vary sad that them oversees aminal resque places can’t get the monies to do their vary important werk. Poor Pap still stuck in horsepiddle. And poor houndies not allowed to partake in snax. That banananana plant is kinda creepy lookin. Miss Loosy’s got some good lookin plants tho! Oh dear, Roman’s got the skwirms. I predict sum yukky medisin then neck poyson for you. Wiki
  15. What great milestones! It's a testament to how much you obviously love and care for each other.
  16. Ducky, I didn’t notice anything amiss with the Midwives. But I’ll guess that some song they played wasn’t released yet. I can’t be sure though, because I wasn’t even born yet. It was kwiet day in the club yessirday. I didn’t make a postie cause my Mistress was broken from too mutch yard werkin on Sattiday so we had a lazy day. Plusalso it was 76 petigrees! That’s too hothothot for April in Wiskconsin. Charlie, as great as I theenk it would be to visit youse guys, I don’t think I could. I don’t follow any kind of werds so I’d never get a treato. It’s kinda embarassin cause it seems even Zorro del galgo can do it. Ivy & Cherry, I can see in them pitchers how anxious you were to get home and back to your beddies and rootines. It’s cool you’re going to GIG! I hope Pap gets to come home today. Miss Mam, you’re not gonna run the Sheet Shed this year, are you? Lupin, my Mistress is a heartless wench and just bokses me up and goes about her fun wiffout me. That’s not toadally troo. She’s thankfool for the pandemic that allowed her to werk from home full time cause I could not be left alone all day. Iffen she gets axed from her werkjob she’ll juss hafta be unemployed until I go ded. The only other option would be to drug me into a stoopor or give me away. That’s a great pitcher of you and your colorfool collar lookin at the litehouse! And Miss Chris is rite, your mummy could toadally grow stuff in pots! Alla she gots to do is buy a plant, put it in a pot wiff dirt, then wader it every day. Lettiss and herbs are sooper easy. Nate, it is toadally not fair that you can’t go to DizzyWhirld. I’m pritty shore they allow serviss doggies, and I’m pritty shore you’re a guide dog for the blind, or at leest those werds in a diffrent order, rite? Wiki
  17. Now this is how I look when I'm afeered my Mistress is gonna go off and do sumthin without me.
  18. Bitzi is rite, I only poosh my way into the baffroom when Mistress is not takin me Wiki walkie fast enuff. When I was noo here I used to do it alla time, but now I know she can’t get oudda there without me seeing. But, I hafta say, my Mistress did not take that pitcher from the terlit. It was a set up! She theenks I look reel kewte when I peek so she went and hid in there wiff her fone before Wiki walkie. Charlie, I hope you have a nice weekend wiff your friendly. Flashy, my predecessor Lila didn’t like peenit budder either. I lubs it! And Mistress has been using it to bribe me to eat my kibbles. I don’t like kibbles. Blech! Awww, Miss Loosy thinks I’m charming. And Mistress did indeed like her special projects at werk. But she hadda tell sumbuddy she was no numpty and was indeed perfektly capable of testing a ACA inshoorints applicayshun even iffen she never done it before. Andipants, that’s a pritty peenk collar you gots! Miss RE Caorl makes great linocuts, but more impressif is that she’s not sliced her hand open whilst doing it. Well, break time is over. Mistress is doing yardwerk in the front yard. I hate that cause I hafta stay in the house. Wiki
  19. I was wondering about something like that too. There was one time when I thought Lila had suddenly developed diabetes or something because she was drinking and peeing like crazy. Turns out some new treat was apparently made of salt. I've gotten a couple special projects at work that are outside of my normal tasks which are making me busier that usual. Wiki should be able to catch up on the weekend.
  20. Thank you for sharing her with us! It will be fun to see her grow up.
  21. Wait, CG II doesn't have a garage? I have a giant snowblower (that scares me) but I contemplated getting a little battery one to make the dog paths.....
  22. Girlsies, I'm glad you're both AOK now, but please quit scaring your mom.
  23. Those of you who don't live in big snow country don't know what a big deal this is! Making and maintaining a path that big is a huge job! Making single hound width paths for Wiki just about kills me. Jan is awesome! And I know AnnIE and Punkin appreciate it.
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