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Everything posted by Dawnnziggy

  1. My big grey girl does this sometimes. I jumped out of bed to check it out one night and she had the worst charlie horse ever! Her leg was hard. I started rubbing her leg right away and she relaxed and eventually I felt it release in my hands. This went on for about a week. I tried to give her bananas and lucky for me she likes them. I haven't had it happen since then but if it happens again, I will have an idea of what to do for her.'' Maybe this is happening to your girl too. Good Luck!
  2. We lost our first grey to kidney disease. We gave her Ensure, a half a bottle a day. We had her for 2 more years! I don't know if that will bother her other issues. It was a rough time for us so I understand what you are going through. I am sorry and I hope she gets a lot better!
  3. My old guy had his eye removed. First they thought it was pannus and we treated it for years. Then they said it was episcleritis(sp?). Finally, they said it was glaucoma. We then went to OSU and saw a specialist. He said it was glaucoma and her said it was like having a migraine headache every day. He told us the best thing for Ziggy was to have the eye removed. IT WAS THE BEST THING WE EVER DID FOR HIM! He is now 12 and a half and very happy. He plays several times a day. The only thing different we have noticed is that he is now leery of children. They move really fast and if they come to his blind side, he can't see them and they freak him out. It really wasn't gross at all. He recovered quickly.
  4. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to hear of your Mango's prognosis. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
  5. I am so sorry for your loss! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. I would take her to the vet. My girl broke her leg at the track. When I got her she would still carry it at times. She got loose, the leash broke in my hand, and had an adventure. All 4 paws were bloody when we found her 10 minutes later. I know that we were lucky. I had her to the vet and she carried that paw for a while. So, I would err on the side of caution if for nothing else but peace of mind. I will be thinking about you both!
  7. Our first grey was a major statuer. However, I would stand there and wait her out. Then all of a sudden we would move. The longer we had her the less she did it. Later when she was older, she began doing it again. It seemed like she was taking in her surroundings so she could always remember it. We knew we were losing her and I would just stand there with her and talk about how beautiful it was outside and how beautiful she was. I have to stop talking about her. I am sitting here crying. I miss that girl so much! I would stand outside for 30 minutes or longer if I could have her back.
  8. Ziggy is allergic to something in the grass this time of year. The Temeril-P is an allergy pill I think. I looked it up on the internet. It is an antihisimine with prednisone for the relief of itching. He takes it great and helps him to not lick his feet and make them worse. I watch him with eagle eyes this time of year to start his meds on time. The epsom salts bath helps tremendously. If that is what is wrong with Snow, the effects go away soon after the first frost. I know that idea is depressing, but it lasts a long time. The good thing is that it doesn't happen again until late July or early August.
  9. Your beautiful tribute had me in tears. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
  10. Ziggy gets red, sore feet every late summer. I have been watching him for signs of this but I haven't seen it yet. He gets a 20mg. pred for three days. Then he goes on Temaril-P. He gets one tablet on Mon., Wed., Fri., and Sun. He gets one half tablet on Tue., Thur., and Sat. I also have a pan I keep outside. It is filled with one cup of Epsom Salts mixed with warm water. After being outside, each of his feet get dipped in the water. This treatment works for him. We also have a spray we use occasionally. Since he is on Prednisone for such a short time, he doesn't have any trouble. Maybe you could ask your vet about this. If nothing else, please try the Epsom Salts and water solution. It is soothing to Ziggy.
  11. Well, I have been in your shoes. When we lost our alpha, I still miss her, the boys were lost. No one asked to go outside. No one played. They insisted in being on us. They were sad and lonely. There was no boss anymore. We thought they needed another buddy so we adopted Myrtle who was only 18 months old at the time. She was a holy terror! They loved her but we still didn't and still don't have an alpha even though we have 3 hounds. Myrtle thinks it is our old guy, Ziggy. She pees on his pee every day. They wanted her to be the alpha and wanted to have a boss, but we don't have one. I have to admit that I wanted there to be an alpha! I wanted someone to be the "walkie boss." We still don't have one. Our schedule also changed. We have to go outside before breakfast. Ziggy can't hold it anymore.(He's 12 going on 13.) There are 4 walks each day and the length is dependent upon the weather. Supper is around 6:30P.M. each day unless something happens and then it is as close to that as possible. Good Luck!
  12. Our girl used to scream in the night. It was terrifying! I jumped out of bed and I could see the leg she was favoring. I touched it and it was very tight. I started rubbing her leg and she settled down but had to sleep on me, yes I said on me, the rest of the night. She only had one more which I dealt with the same way. She hasn't had a cramp since then. It was in the winter so it wasn't that she was too hot.
  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you! I used to buy sugar-free gum all the time. Myrtle will eat anything so I do not buy it anymore for that exact reason. I understand how you feel.
  14. Yes! It doesn't happen with each bag, just every so often. I will NOT use Green Bag again! She just gets too sick. I hope Billy gets better soon!
  15. We did exactly the same thing! We turned the litter box so the opening was towards the wall with just enough space for the kitties to get through. They would leave it alone for a while and then I'd come home to find litter scattered about. Greys are resourceful!
  16. I will admit, the gas is the reason I don't like to feed the Lamb and Rice IAMS. Poops are awesome on it but so are the gassy emissions! When Myrtle was so sick, I did rice and yogurt, twice a day. I gave her one treat that I knew did not bother her. When I changed to the red bag, the diarrhea was over. I made the rice with either a bullion cube of beef or chicken so I didn't have to put any meat in there. Myrtle has problems digesting hamburger so I knew I couldn't do that. Just my two cents since I have a sensitive tummy girl. She will eat anything though when she is hungry so I have to watch her like crazy. I don't know how much money she has ingested, highlighters off my endstand, tissues, toilet paper she stole off the roll . . . .I could go on and on. edited because I can't spell!
  17. I am so sorry you lost your beautiful girl. I am terrified of horses but I TOTALLY understand your love for her.
  18. Welcome! Your hounds are beautiful! I can't believe you have 2 blues. I have always wanted one. Your English is amazing.
  19. I keep checking this thread to see how Iker is doing now. Did you get it to stop? Is he doing okay now? I keep thinking about him.
  20. Are yours doing fine with it? We try to always have a back up plan for her. She is healthy as an ox but she has a super sensitive tummy.
  21. It's just strange because it didn't affect the boys, just her. My dogs wouldn't touch the large breed. We bought the Mini-Chunks. Hilarious, huh?
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