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Everything posted by Dawnnziggy

  1. We currently have 3 hounds. Our boys do not snuggle yet when I brought Ziggy home from the vet, Dawson was so glad to see him that he was bouncing all over. Ziggy had to show him his "big teef" to get him to settle down. They sleep on the sofa or Ziggy's bed together every night. They even share their food in their food bowls. Myrtle snuggles with Dawson. They lay together on the floor, on my bed, on the sofa. She will get up with Ziggy but she sees him as the boss. (He really isn't. We don't have an alpha dog!) Ziggy taught Dawn, our first hound, how to be a pet. We had had her for a year. Ziggy walked into our home like it was his home all along. She learned that attention was good. People petting you was good. Being with your people is good. She stole his spot when she realized he was getting all of the attention! Ziggy had SA really bad. When houndie #3, Dawson came, all the destruction stopped! It does cost more for vet bills, food, and treats. Walks don't take any longer but you do pick up more poop!
  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl! Your tribute was lovely!
  3. Thank you so much! My DH had me scared to death to give it! The topical that I used last time wasn't doing the job. I sure hope this works for my greys! I am going to give it tonight.
  4. My flea treatment hasn't been working this year so I bought some Nexgard, My DH is afraid for me to use it. So, does anyone on here use Nexgard? Does it seem to work? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I am so sorry to read this! You did the best thing you thought you could do for HIM. Don't beat yourself up. You wanted to do right by him. He knew that, he really did!
  6. Wow! What an improvement. I bet he feels better now too
  7. Yeah! I am so glad he is better and you feel better about it too! I wasn't trying to be negative, just concerned.
  8. I am so sorry you are going through this! I wish I had pictures of Ziggy the day he had this same surgery. I will keep your poor boy in my prayers. Have you thought about taking him to another vet for a consultation? Maybe we were just lucky but Ziggy never bled or swelled.
  9. I am not trying to be alarming, but is he on antibiotics? They sent Ziggy home on them. He did not swell at all and there was no bleeding either. They stitched his eyelid closed and all was well. We had to watch him as it healed, but we had nothing like that. Does he go back for a recheck? I will keep him in my prayers! At least it doesn't sound like he is miserable.
  10. I hope you can get the surgery. Ziggy lost his eye several years ago to glaucoma. He is a very happy, playful boy now even at age 13. He adjusted just fine. My thoughts are with you that he will be able to have the surgery! We also have a pirate collar! I call him Pirate Pete but my family does not!
  11. I am so sorry! Words cannot express how I feel right now. Ginny was so funny with her ball! I will never forget her.
  12. I tell mine to "go potty." I have told them that since day 1. However, if someone doesn't go when we are outside, I tell them we can't go in the house until Dawson pees. Usually, they pee right away!
  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you both! I had a good outcome and I pray you do as well.
  14. I know it is hard, but you can't show fear when you have a resource guarder when you need to take something away. I had one and was in a situation similar to yours. She had it and didn't want to give it up. I was so worried that she would be hurt that I forgot about my fear of being bitten and just grabbed her mouth open and took it out. She did not even act like she would bite me. I wasn't afraid to protect her that way again. It was a chicken bone for her too! The female I have now is a different story. She will eat anything so she is on a very short leash whenever I notice her being too interested in the ground. Once she starts, she is at it the whole entire walk. On those occasions, her leash is no longer than 2 feet. I'm not trying to be mean to her.
  15. I am praying for you all today. I hope to hear great updates!
  16. He is acting better today. He is up on the sofa sleeping soundly. He still bends over funny but you can tell he feels better. He ran into the living room after his supper walk tonight. I don't know when to stop giving him the Rimadyl. I see that it is an anti-inflammatory. My vet is going to call me tomorrow to see how he is doing so I will ask them then. I don't want to stop using it if it is helping him.
  17. Oh man, I have been there with you this weekend. I had a fear of cancer. We were lucky though and I am praying you will be too! His improvement is a great sign! I will keep you all in my prayers!
  18. I took him to the vet. They did x-rays. IT IS NOT CANCER! WOO HOO! He showed me the films and said that he was expecting it to be cancer since it came on him so suddenly. He figures that when he and Myrtle played she hit him just right and bruised his left front shoulder. I told my vet that I knew that was why there were so many 3 legged greyhounds. He was impressed that I knew so much about cancer. I told him it was because of this forum! Thank you so much for your prayers and white light! Thank goodness God isn't getting a new angel today!
  19. I just felt down his spine too. There was no reaction. I gave him a Rimadyl. He screamed the GSOD when I went to get the pill. He ran in the living room. I just don't get it. He will be 10 in 12 days. Please pray for my sweet cow doggie!
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