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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Two weeks seems to be the magic number. Both were up and about within a day. But restlessness and discomfort seems to last 2 weeks. And I think it's more related to the meds than anything else. I used a sling for the stairs as they wanted to jump the entire 5 steps. But were fine on the flat almost immediately. In fact I had to watch Tanzi. She took off running when I don't think she remembered she was missing a leg. Both amps were right front. One was shoulder OS one was ankle OS. I had both thoroughly checked out to make sure the rest of their body could handle the added stress. And both stayed in the hospital for a couple days. Which I appreciated.
  2. If i go it wouldn't be till saturday. I'm arriving from Europe on Friday.
  3. Even though I arrive back from vacation on GIG Friday and receive a canine guest on Sunday, I'd really like to get to GIG. CC needs so many new things!! If not then I have to go to Dewey.
  4. Welcome Cee Magic, CC for short. She is an Australian born girl shipped to the Canidrome in Macau China. The 517 survivors have been shipped worldwide and I was lucky enough to get this girl. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1962622773846135&id=100002952940652&set=gm.2089894127974914&source=48&refid=18&ref=m_notif&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&__tn__=EH-R
  5. That doesn't sound right. Why not email Toni directly. It's on the Nittany website.
  6. What are his teeth like? I just adopted a girl from the Canidrome. They say she is in the beginning of kidney disease that's why she is being so picky. Kidney food tastes terrible. But her teeth were HORRIBLE. We did a dental, she lost 24 teeth and now eats like there's no tomorrow. Even that crappy kidney diet food.
  7. Since the GSD came from the house, I'm guessing that's a pet. The other dogs are probably just hunting dogs.
  8. She could have acute pancreatitis. I would take her back. At least get on the list and go there when it gets closer for your turn.
  9. I'm so sorry Kristen. He wasn't with you long enough.
  10. Who makes the "If I'm loose, I'm lost" tag? They were at Dewey for years and got the idea when I told them some guy found my dog, called me with a message, "I have your dog, but she looked like she knew the way home, so I let her go". Need one for my new girl Cee Cee.
  11. My new girl, Cee Magic, CC for short survived the Canidrome and now gets to celebrate her 5th birthday on a soft couch and in a loving home. With her bad leg, this wouldn't have happened without the worldwide effort to close it and save the only 532 survivors. Hopefully she'll have many more.
  12. Since she got her teeth done she's inhaling her food. And if/when she gets picky I'll talk with the adoption group as they're supplying the food. But I'll keep this brand in mind. Thanks.
  13. Update. I've had CC 2 weeks now. She was eating Hills kibble with Hill canned for flavor supplied by the adoption group. She really wasn't interested. So I canned the canned for homemade to be mixed with kibble. Ok that was a huge hit. Eating better. It's a mix of veggies, pasta and either chicken or eggs. I took her to my vets who was appalled by her mouth (as was I). He said it was definitely a contributing factor if not the actual cause of her kidney issues. He also said the values weren't bad enough she couldn't handle anesthesia. The adoption group was afraid to give her anesthesia, thus no spay or dental. They have a clinic on site. So it was their vet that nixed it. But I knew her mouth would affect the rest of her body, so we did the dental. She survived, lost 24 teeth. She now finishes her food, twice what Emma gets faster than it takes Emma to eat. And Emma is a champion food hound. It's very obvious her mouth was painful. But she's feeling great now. And my vet said to not judge her kidneys until we get another set of bloodwork in 3 months. So I'm being a little optimistic that with a clean mouth now, her kidney values will improve.
  14. What a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry.
  15. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2103591673028331&id=100001325575829&set=a.576620365725477&source=48&__tn__=EHH-R Here she is on the left on adoption day.
  16. Just picked her up. She handled the anesthesia like a champ. But lost 24 teeth. Still has 16 left. Vet said her mouth was horrible, so after a few days of healing she's going to feel great. And hopefully her kidney values will improve. I was so nervous. So now that I know she can handle the anesthesia, if her values don't worsen in 6 months, I'll get her spayed. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts.
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