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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Sh!t I thought OSA coming back in another bone was supposed to be rare. But that's all I seem to hear about. I'm so sorry Rachel. Willa was much too young.
  2. Oh Rachel! I'm going to miss her name at Christmas.
  3. I waited anywhere from 3 weeks to a year to adopt another. Sometimes there was bonding. Sometimes not. Sometimes there was a personality change, sometimes not. It's really up to the dog. If you're not sure, wh6 not try play dates or fostering. She how she reacts.
  4. What a great pix! I didn't want to say anything. Keep positive vibes going. But yes, both my osteo dogs had clear rads. Both developed osteo in the back. They saw it on Diamond's xray when I brought her in. But it wasn't on Tanzi's until a month after she started showing signs of discomfort. Willa is just too effin young. I really hope this is just a hiccup.
  5. My current girl, Snowflake, is Irish. Came over a year and a half ago.
  6. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
  7. Sounds like a typical senior. Good boy, Milo.
  8. Oh I didn't like this update. I'd prefer a better one Ellen. Please post one.
  9. A change in temperament can be so many things. From pain, to brain issues to just a phase. I'd probably watch her a bit more, but eventually take her to a vet. If she get a clean bill of health, then maybe a behaviorist.
  10. My heart sank when I saw his name.
  11. I've never had it. But chemo messes with the immune system. Maybe she picked up a uti. Or could be completely unrelated to this and just be because she's a 6 year old spayed female.
  12. Oh Trudy and Jeff. I'm so very sorry you lost Abby. She was a beautiful Dane. Absolutely amazing she made it to 14.
  13. Milo looks terrific for 14! And Gelsey is adorable.
  14. I'm going to be there by Thursday afternoon. And will be at Friday's 'groovy' evening. Both Snowflake and I will be in our psychedelic best. Flake is an Irish snowflake grey. So look for a black girl with white spots.
  15. Aaww. I was hoping to see how Amelia was doing. Maybe next year.
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