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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Thanks Don! I'm in the Gold Leaf. Now to register.
  2. Does anyone know if there are rooms left available in Dewey or Rehoboth that allow dogs?
  3. Mercsmom, is you mailbox full? I can't PM you.
  4. We had a checkup today. I asked the vet about the eggshells. It's fine if the calcium and phospherous bind in the intestines. But if it's absorbed first then binds in the blood it will do more damage to the kidneys. They do monitor the phospherous with the regular kidney panels we do. Right now her values except creatinine are excellent. So we'll keep the calcium out for now. I am going to squeeze every minute of quality time I can from those kidneys. Need to make up for those 5 horrid years in hell.
  5. Cooked. Too scary with all the press about salmonella from backyard chickens.
  6. Irene! Did you get a new furbaby? Congratulations!
  7. I took my little Macau girl Cee Cee to a specialist to see just how bad her kidneys are. The ultrasound vet said they were so bad looking that he thought they were birth defects. The internist said no. Not birth defects. Either babesia or insult such as food. (She came from China). Babesia just came back negative. Anyway, we won't be able to get a prognosis until we have several point plots of her bloodwork. He started CC on a new med to help with the protein loss in addition to her BP med. So he took a baseline bloodwork. But we already had several kidney panels done in the 4 months I've had her. So he could compare her values from the beginning. Anyway. The reason for this post is that her blood albumin has constantly improved. Due to her diet. She is still in renal failure but we're stressing the kidneys as little as possible. Here's what I'm doing. Half her food is the Hill's kidney diet kibble. The other half is the homemade recipe I got from here. But what I've changed is I use a dozen eggs for the protein source in the recipe. In place of beef or chicken. She also gets extra eggs for breakfast twice a week. My regular vet and the specialist both said eggs had the best protein for kidney dogs. Good thing I have my own chickens, eh?
  8. Irene, did they find out what happened? The first greyhound I lost was only 5. She was in liver failure.
  9. She was so young! There are no words. I'm so sorry.
  10. Happy birthday to rooo Happy birthday to rooooooooo Happy birthday handsome Facebook Happy birthday to rooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sung in 2 part harmony by Emma and Cee Cee.
  11. MP_the4pack


    Trish and Burke, River was a beautiful girl inside and out. I know how you feel. My first loss was 5 year old Topaz. All but the last two girls are legacies of Topaz. I'm so sorry she left so quickly.
  12. Love her ears! Congrats!! NSW is New South Wales. Have you joined the Macau facebook forums? I have a Macau dog. Cee Magic. Never raced in Australia, she was shipped immediately to China.
  13. How about fostering? You don't have to open your heart. Just yet. I have 8 at the Bridge and I still cry for the first one I lost in 1999. But my hearthound was grey #4. And my soulhound was grey #8. So I'm glad I didn't listen to my brain tell me " no more" after each loss.
  14. Ok, how strange is this? I raised a couple of meat chickens that were just processed. So I tried my new dehydrator for the chicken livers. Both dogs turned their nose up at the finished result! Did I do something wrong?
  15. I almost missed Emma's birthday today! Bad, bad momma. She turns the big 10. But she had 2 dippy eggs this morning. Rice and ham hock for dinner. And ice cream coming in tonight!
  16. No more hour walks. No matter how much you work her she'll never do that again. I had a 9 and 12 year old front amp. Both extreemly happy afterwards. But it is harder for them so they use up all their energy much faster. She'll be just as content after whatever length she works up to. My 12 year old only made it up to 15 minutes. I think Tanzi was able to do 1/2 hour. But I found off leash areas so she could do her own pace, stopping and going at will.
  17. Yeah my email said 52.7%. When Ace took over Chubb it started to spiral downhill. I was mad when they bought Healthy Paws.
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