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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Between December 1999 and July 2000 I spent $15,000. On two dogs ages 5 and 6. One died one survived. As soon as I could scrape up $350 I got insurance. Have had it ever since. Sometimes the insurance company makes out, sometimes I do. I have had some dogs never need it and others that bled the insurance company dry.
  2. He's beautiful. My nephew-in-law helped with those Guam dogs before he ever met my niece or knew about my greyhound obsession.
  3. I took my Cee Cee to my vets todays. He absolutely wants her disgusting teeth done. They could definitely be the cause of her kidney issues. Her adoption group didn't do a dental (or spay) because of the kidney values. But my vet who I've used for 25 years says he's confident she'll do fine. So she's having it done thursday. Please keep her in your thoughts as I'm not sure she's ever had anestnesia. She's a Canidrome survivor.
  4. This is not the one you asked for. But maybe it'll help. Farewell Master, yet not farewell. Where I go ye too shall dwell. When ye come to where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  5. Hmmm, I think you're onto something. So far people in Australia can't find her. But her tats are crystal clear.
  6. Thanks Dick. She's a Canidrome dog. I was told her name is Cee Magic. But that's a 2 yr old boy. And her tats are crystal clear. I'll send an email, but I wonder if I'll roll craps because these dogs weren't supposed to be shipped to China.
  7. Does anyone have the website where I can look up an Australian tat? It's just the left ear. NDFKA
  8. Thanks. I do have both other drugs. But shes so tired she may not even get up from the bed.
  9. Can a kidney impared dog have carprofen? I have my China girl and she just had a rip roaring blast running in my acre with her new sister. She' really limping now on her previously brken, poorly healed hind leg. Her kidneys are very compromised. I'd like to give her a dose tonight but vets are closed. And this doesn't warrant an ER visit.
  10. Since I'm picking up a new girl this weekend I need to do some serious shopping at Gettysburg. Would anyone like a paying roommate for Saturday night? One adult 2 girl greys.
  11. I'll pick up the dipsticks from my vets. Thats no issue.
  12. They are supplying food and regular healthcare. Even boarding when I go away.
  13. Due to all the great info you gave me here in this thread and other threads I am taking Cee Magic into my home for the rest of her life however long or short. I will be picking her up in about a week. Then I will also have access to all her info.
  14. Because one day you'll look back at this and laugh along with others when you tell the story.
  15. Thanks for the info. I'm not sure how much leeway I have with choice of food. But I can do any additives or home cooking as long as it's my pocket. I'll find out tomorrow.
  16. They say she's 4, but I don't think Canidrome dogs are that young. I think she' closer to 8. So, as long as protein is low, I'm ok? Sugar, wheat, fat...all fine? I can easily handle that. The adoption group is paying for the main dog food.
  17. I have the opportunity to perma-foster a dog with kidney disease. Prognosis - one year. Shes's one of the Canidrome dogs. I don't have any issue with dog food but my house is treat heavy. And since I have chickens, eggs are a big treat. What is out there to buy or make that I can give as cookies? And extra special food?
  18. I got an email yesterday from Drs Foster and Smith. They were announcing their merger with Petco and that we will receive the same kind of great service as before. Nothing indicated they were closing.
  19. You've been off GT that long? Still looking for number 11, but definitely going to Europe.
  20. MP_the4pack


    My heart just dropped when I saw Iker's name. I'm crying as I type this. I'm so sorry, Robin.
  21. I use UPCO.COM for the heartworm prescription.
  22. I'm 45 minutes away from you straight up 202. If you're interested in a playdate I have 1 quiet girl and an acre fenced.
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