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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm so sorry. You gave her the time and support she needed to become a confident dog and extraordinary care when her medical needs surfaced. She was incredibly fortunate. She did live a good while for a Greyhound, but it's never long enough. I'm sorry that you were unable to be with her when she left. Godspeed Miriam.
  2. I'm delighted that she's back to being Sweep. Best wishes for the 15th.
  3. Joe T. Reporter Redux! Awesome job Aiden! We had one of those squatty things one day. It was sitting right next to where we go up the ramp to the deck. Not one of 5 dogs noticed. The same thing happened at lunchtime. It was gone by dinnertime. The girls do notice wabbits and those smelly things ....
  4. I'm so sorry about Sweep's diagnoses. I hope she continues to tolerate the chemo and has a lot of comfortable time remaining.
  5. A very belated but heartfelt Happy 11th Facebook!
  6. What an adventure! (One morning there was a toad right next to where we go up the ramp to the deck. Not one of 5 dogs saw it. It was still there at lunchtime. Rinse repeat. )
  7. No no no! Crap! I'm so very sorry. It may be of small consolation, but Starz had a wonderful time with you. Just far far too short. I hope you, DW, and Petunia are adjusting. Aside: I hate hate hate when they rally at the end. I had a few extra minutes with Minnie, so we did what she loved--worked. She trained like a champion. Godspeed Starz.
  8. Whew. I thought you were on top of it, but I feel so much sympathy for Petunia that I had to make the mistakes and comment. I hope you're both able to work through your SA soon. Exactly. Enquiring minds want to know. It's wonderful that you are well enough to work. I hope you want to ...
  9. Send her here. I have one who needs to go out multiple times in the middle of the night, one who sometimes doesn't make it out the door before the poop drops ... Aside: I hate it when people take C&F posts too seriously or offer unsolicited advice, but I'm going to make both mistakes: I don't interpret Petunia's behaviour as irritation but confusion. There have been a lot of changes in her world lately. She might need to be treated as if she has mild SA.
  10. Happy 13th Val! Ivy, a wobbly 13 1/2, sends special congratulations.
  11. Awesome gifts! I hope her bloodwork settles and she is able to have her dental. Her ears are tremendous. They may be even more magnificent that my (long-gone) Edie's. ETA: I forgot to say--Congratulations on making it official.
  12. Some of us (ahem, moi) didn't read your post carefully enough. I'm glad Violet has been (mostly) fine since. I hope she doesn't have another event.
  13. For one of my kitties, the vet seemed to say that nystagmus is more indicative of vestibular disease than stroke. That kitty survived two bad bouts of vestibular disease at age 3 (we did an MRI after the second; general inflammation). She lived to almost 18, when she had a third event (stroke, I think) and wasn't coming back. Ivy (now 13 1/2) had an episode in December that I didn't see, but which left her weak and disoriented and covered in vomit. The vet thought seizure or stroke. She hasn't had a repeat so I'm betting stroke. I also had a seizure dog; her grand mal events were nothing like Violet's. (And a probable-tumour dog, who didn't improve. And some neck issues. And a couple with FCE's. And another kitty with vestibular disease (two events). And, and, and, ...) I hope Violet is feeling better today.
  14. I don't have the training to help with a diagnosis, but I do have too damn much experience with neurological issues (dog and cat), and I have to send sympathy and best wishes to you and Violet. It must be tough to experience and it's hell to watch. I hope she recovers quickly from this episode. FWIW, I wouldn't do an MRI unless the vet thought it would alter the course of treatment.
  15. I'm so very sorry. He was fortunate to have found you to make his life perfect for the time he had left. Godspeed Charlie.
  16. I take issue with the phrase "the little things." Bouncy poop is no small achievement.
  17. Happy 12th Jagger! I love to "move like Jagger."
  18. Congratulations to the whole family! Naps and french fries sounds like a great life. I didn't think blue. Jessie (P's Real Time), who was listed a dark brindle, went grey much the same way. It's lovely. Here's to channelling Kate!
  19. That's terrific! I hope that whoever shows up fits in seamlessly. Too bad Max is so far away. As a senior corndog with bad/no teeth, he'd fit right in. Except he's a boy.
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