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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm so very sorry. Your special boy had to leave too soon and too suddenly. Godspeed Ernie.
  2. Cool! The CBC airs each season a year later, so I'll catch up next summer.
  3. I have a picture of Edie like this. She wasn't a broodie but she was a character. I've had a lot of broodies. My spec sheet eventually boiled down to (age) 10+, lots of litters, lots of puppies. I find broodies to be incredibly accommodating of their humans, perhaps because they've had so much handling. They also tend to remain playful as long as they're physically capable, perhaps because they spend months with their puppies. The more litters and puppies they've had, the sweeter they are. My oldest girl Opal (13+) isn't able to run any more, but she's incredibly social with both people and dogs, and bounces around like a youngster when she greets either.
  4. Glad you're back, although it might take a while for me to make the association. Saoirse and Abu look great!
  5. I'm so sorry. I've lost several to OS. I have never chosen amputation, primarily because I lean against it, but also because all were older or had other health concerns that made it an unappealing choice. The time we had after diagnosis varied tremendously. The longest was about 3 months. I made the decision based on the hound's apparent level of pain--serious limping, yelping, flatness... I think I've said goodbye a little earlier each time because I know how much worse it can get.
  6. That's why she's a _starving_ artist. Glad she got a bonus after her work was ready for exhibition.
  7. Great story, especially step 2. Love the artist names in the comments.
  8. I'm so incredibly sorry that your funny girl had to leave so suddenly and so young. Godspeed Rosie.
  9. Oh no no no! Not Aiden 1-4! I'm so sorry that your incredibly special boy had to leave so early. Godspeed Aiden.
  10. Wonderful. Thank you. Godspeed Katie.
  11. I would in a heartbeat. I love senior broodies and have adopted several; the oldest was over 10 1/2 and straight from the farm. Broodies seem to remain young-at-heart even longer than other Greyhounds. I think the oldest broodie I've lost was about 13 3/4, but one of my non-broodie girls made it to 15+. There are no guarantees with an older dog, but the fact that she's healthy now is a good sign. Plus she is used to home life and doesn't have to settle in. Not everyone can handle a short time with a dog, but if you think you and your boys can, and you are able to afford potential vet bills (true for any dog, but the probability is higher with a senior), go for it!
  12. Oh no! I'm so incredibly sorry that Petunia had to go, and so suddenly too. I'll miss your stories and those gorgeous big eyes in her whitening face. Maybe Petunia could look up Ivy, who had much the same look and can give her "newbie" tips at the bridge. Godspeed Petunia.
  13. Hmmm. I wonder why. I love the "See yah later, suckers!" departure and all of today's progress. Sweep is most definitely back in the building.
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