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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Something similar happened with Ivy (also 13) in December. I returned to find crate and dog covered in vomit. She was _very_ wobbly and disoriented. I cleaned her up (had to hold her) and took her to the vet. No nystagmus or circling. Blood work good. The vet suspected a seizure or mild stroke. Ivy's appetite (usually good) was off for a few days. The worst of the wobbliness resolved in the first hour, most of the rest eased in days. (The wobbliness due to a bad left hip was there before and after.) Her confidence increased. Basically, she's back to her wobbly and deteriorating 13 year old self.
  2. Oh no! I'm so very sorry that Kate had to leave. She had personality to spare and put the B in Broodies. I hope you know how much she enjoyed her time with you and Petunia, even if it was much too short. Godspeed Kate.
  3. Awesome!!!! I confess that I didn't expect this wonderful news. I'm incredibly over-the-moon happy for you and Sweep.
  4. When Cora broke her leg, the senior vet at the practice, who does a lot of orthopedic work, said something similar about Greyhounds having "ballerina legs."
  5. Sweep upside down = Awesome! (Will help with drainage too. )
  6. I'm so very sorry. It's terrible that she had to go--especially so soon after Burdette--but fortunate that you were able to say goodbye before the leg broke. Godspeed Sophie.
  7. Sweep's leg looks great. Nice repair too. I've forgotten how many plates, screws, and wires Cora had. She didn't have a cast either and she too walked right away. She stayed at the clinic for a while because they like to do the initial rehab, so I don't have experience with the very early days. for a nice smooth recovery.
  8. I'm very relieved that Sweep's surgery went well and the bone looked normal. I hope she heals quickly and well. Fracture recovery takes a while (BTDT with Cora), but not as long as without all that hardware. Sweep.
  9. Oh, I don't know that he is--his nose is sheltered from the storm.
  10. Apparently some people feel that way about new shoes.
  11. Gorgeous gorgeous girl. Happy Birthday Saoirse!!
  12. Happy Belated 8th Wiki! You sure had a great day!
  13. Remote control planes are fun too, at least if they're low enough to catch the eye.
  14. Happy Gotcha 3 Sid! You are definitely a very handsome boy. I love your ears.
  15. Merc, you're such a charmer. Aside: My Ivy is also a redhead, but she's probably a bit mature for you.
  16. I'm so very sorry your momma's boy had to leave. Godspeed Burdette.
  17. Exactly what I was thinking. Plus: They're both gorgeous. They're also very well matched--it's great when dogs have companions with matching play styles.
  18. They were such handsome boys and they both left much much too soon. My condolences to his family, immediate and extended. Godspeed Buster.
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