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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Oh wow! What a change in 24 hours. Clean bowl! Bright eyes! Whether it's time, Previcox, or something else, she seems sooooo much better. Go Sweep! ETA: Noticed and wondered about the long nails, then saw your comment. Agreed re battle picking.
  2. She's made a lot of progress--I could see it as I caught up on the week. I hope she continues to improve, preferably at a faster pace. Thanks for the pic. She looks fairly stoned.
  3. I'm so very sorry. It's especially tough that she left so soon after Phog; even worse because her passing marks the end of an era. Godspeed Rowdy Jill.
  4. Whew! Still backandforthing until she's home. ETA: I hope they saved the bandage art for you.
  5. I'm so very sorry. Katie managed to make it to a pretty good age, but not nearly old enough. Godspeed lovely girl.
  6. I'm sending all the hugs and positive thoughts in my possession. You and Sweep are troopers/ I love the cast art. It's very clever and a really nice gesture. It's good that Sweep seems relatively comfortable. I hope she remains so until Monday.
  7. Other than the chewing and fresh meat, that's a very positive report.
  8. What a cutie! Too young and too far away, fortunately. I knew a Falcor--a Malinois--who was an awesome dog.
  9. I too remember Fencetop and Mary. They had an incredibly special bond. I'm so very sorry that Fencetop had to leave, but it must be comforting to think of them reunited.
  10. I've had good luck with _padded_ moleskin; the flat stuff not so much.
  11. I've lost 5 dogs to kidney disease. I basically agree with greysmom: there comes a point when you feed whatever they will eat. I've used tasty additions, prepared stews, even fed a sample of cat food that came with the local paper. A trick will work for a time, then fail, usually forever. I hope you can find something--a series of somethings--that will keep Daisy eating for some time.
  12. The tuna treats are an excellent choice too. They freeze well and can be thawed quickly.
  13. Happy 13th Petunia! You look awesome for a 5-year-old. Opal welcomes you to the 5-not-13 club with a couple of ginormous lunges on leash and some dancing.
  14. Your clever recipe is similar to the core of Kraft's pb balls/bites recipes. Here's one link: https://www.kraftcanada.ca/recipe/crunchy-chocolate-chip-peanut-butter-snack-bites-177645 The core of the recipe (rolled oats, honey, pb) is very tolerant of different add-ins. Baking isn't necessary but refrigeration (or even freezing) helps, especially if one drops the honey, as I did for myownself.
  15. Awesome! Congratulations to the whole family. And thank you Time4aNap and Fairy Dogmother macoduck. Aside: In my world, 5 is still a baby.
  16. I hope he's now home, comfortable, and at least considering forgiving you.
  17. Yep. And it lasts. Opal turned 13 on Monday and she's still at times, especially on walks. Toodles too, and she turned 12 today.
  18. I'm so very sorry that your extraordinary boy had to leave. The suddenness of his departure might have made it easier for him, but that doesn't help you. And he was too young. Godspeed Paddy.
  19. Hildy, who turned 11 on Friday, still has moments of lunacy. I've had even older girls--especially broodies--act like puppies. But yes, the moments are less frequent and don't last as long as they do when a dog is younger.
  20. What a horrific and heart-wrenching experience, made even worse by his youth. I am so incredibly sorry. Godspeed Oreo.
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