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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Sweep! Spring clearly suits you. I'm so glad you're stable and able to enjoy it.
  2. Happy Gotcha 9 Facebook! Happy Almost-12 too! Love the recharging quips.
  3. Like Time4ANap and greysmom, I prefer NSAIDS most of the time, but there can be side effects to those too, most notably GI upset.
  4. I've had better luck with Tramadol than Gabapentin, but I know that some Greyhound owners have had trouble with Tramadol. (As far as I know, the negative effects are short term, and disappear once the dog is off the drug.) The reactions are very much dependent on the dog. Sometimes the type/degree of pain is key--I had one who wouldn't eat the first time she was on Tramadol, but we used it again when she was in much worse pain and she continued to eat.
  5. Happy 12th Logan! It must be great to be able to go on walks again, especially now that the weather is better. Love your post-walk rest.
  6. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Thorpe.
  7. Oooooops. Glad he learned from his ungentlemanly mistake and is picking up the patterns. He is, as you said in the "gentlemanly" thread, a bright boy.
  8. What? He's holding her tail down. He'll be fine. Somewhere I have a similar pic of long-gone Edie and Betsy in a similar situation, except that the tail hold was more obvious.
  9. I'm glad you're consulting with Dr. Couto. I hope his information gathering swings his opinion back to the non-cancer side.
  10. I'm so very sorry. She reached a good age and was with you for a long time, but it's never long enough. She was an incredibly special girl. Godspeed Su.
  11. I've lost a lot of dogs so I have some idea what you're feeling.
  12. I'm so very sorry that you lost your special girl. It might have taken her a while to settle in, but she was in the right place and eventually she realized that. Please don't kick yourself--many people have lost Greys due to sudden breaks and an x-ray might have been uninformative in any event. Godspeed Buffy.
  13. Poor dog. The Greys here also respect the kitties, although they don't have to worry about food theft.
  14. It's a poetic nose. I saw a pic on fb today that was just nose leather and--way, way, way back--eyes.
  15. I agree with the others--he looks sooooooo much happier. Congratulations to the whole family, especially lucky Tete.
  16. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Snap.
  17. I inherited a 3'-4' chain link on the sides and front. It's been fine for the 40 +/- years it's been up. (I've been here 23 1/2.) The back is the schoolyard's 6' chain link, which is closer to 5' on my side. I'd prefer black, which is less visible, but I like the air flow and being able to see. The privacy fences in this neighbourhood don't seem to last long--the poles rot, the wind blows them down, and so on. The snow gets trapped in weird ways and takes forever to melt on the shady side. If I lived in the country, I might opt for what dante2zoe has, but in the city, I'd go with black chain link. ETA: If I could, I'd go with painted/powder-coated rather than vinyl-coated, since I expect it would hold up better here.
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