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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Why is that ... bug ... on the girls' route?
  2. The more I think about the wind chime--the broom, the words--the more I think it's absolutely perfect. That it arrived the day after an unusual breeze brought thoughts of Sweep makes it even more special.
  3. I've had several that would rub their own ears with their forearms/wrists (while lying down). That was invariably a "rub my ears" request. If I obliged but stopped too soon (or, more accurately, dared to stop), they'd start rubbing again.
  4. I thought it was a fish of some sort. I too didn't know loons could swim under water that long. Some Canadian I am. It's cool that you're seeing wildlife (or evidence) on walks. The river (?) is gorgeous.
  5. Not only can Punkin predict the future, she can also scout out a landing spot. Glad both phone and Punkin are okay.
  6. Damn. I am so very sorry. Sweep was a GT favourite and will be missed terribly. Godspeed precious Sweep.
  7. Happy 13th Jagger! You look terrific. And still flexible.
  8. I hope Emmy is soon feeling 100% and the surgery does the trick.
  9. Happy Belated 10th LaVida! I bet your party will be extra special because your humans feel guilty. My houndies all have birthdays in July, when they will be 12, 13, and 14. They think you're a spring chikken.
  10. Ugh. Getting up early enough to finish by 6:30 am wouldn't be on my agenda either. All my current sheep houndies love spring grass. So does the woolly dog, but she vomits, so she gets yelled at when she partakes.
  11. What a wonderful update. Onward, Fiona!
  12. That sucks. We do three walks a day no matter what, although I do make adjustments for conditions. Today it was around 70, but seemed warmer because the conditions changed so quickly. Opal, who is nearly 14, didn't want to join the others at lunchtime. I took her out separately. She turned back as soon as she was empty. Then she wandered around the edges of the yard for quite a while eating tasty spring grass. The leaves are coming out so she had a fair bit of shade during her wander.
  13. Sometimes, a head just gets too heavy. Lovely spot for a walk. Beats our pavement and not-really-visible stream.
  14. I'm not sure I could take even the morning temps in AZ. I has been sunny and cool (under 60F) here. Perfect for walking hounds or working outside.
  15. Crap on the confirmation. Glad the day was otherwise a success. It sounds like she's doing pretty well. Go Fiona!
  16. It's great that she's healing well. I hope she soon feels better.
  17. They sure know how to enjoy the glorious weather.
  18. I hope Fiona is home and enjoying a good start to her recovery. I hope she heals quickly and well.
  19. That almost looked like too much work for Mark. Glad Punkin and Annie were able to get Peeps in the boonies.
  20. LaVida is doing an excellent job channelling Lexie. Poor Mark, having to work on a holiday.
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