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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. A muscle spasm could cause severe screaming. You should be able to touch up that way and if it's muscle there is a good change you will feel twinches.
  2. If a dog on a NSAID stops eating, you are suppose to stop the NSAID immediately. Look at upping the tramadol or adding morphine. Try meat and any treats he'll eat. Something is better than nothing. Lorna Doone cookies seems to be a good end stage option as is Mighty Dog beef (ground).
  3. I wonder if you should do a Valley Fever test(?) Ask the vet if there are any cases around your area, or do a search on line.
  4. Appetite goes when they have kidney disease, both in dogs and humans. I think the only thing that would help is fluids. I am going to assume that you have cultured the urine recently to rule out an infection that is on top of the disease. My biggest regret with Jesse is that I didn't let her eat the whole chicken the last time she really ate
  5. Sending my sympathy. How wonderful you had each other for all that time
  6. They are a very good company to work with. My guys wouldn't eat the new ones either and since then I went to Fresh Factors only.
  7. Try acupuncture in addtion to the western meds. Nothing wrong with that -- I do it all the time for my guys.
  8. Try Fresh Factors. They always have a special going. www.springtimeinc.com
  9. do you mean, hates going to the vet? Not hates the vet? My vet comes out to the car. I park under a very nice tree in his parking lot.
  10. Which medicine? You can and should do blood work if he is on a NSAID.
  11. What a beautiful life Thank you for sharing her with us. Sending my sympathy -- I know how much it hurts
  12. Sending sympathy and hugs What a shock
  13. Do Joint Health instead (as long as you are not using pred) Quite a few people have had their "kids" not want to eat it. You can also do FF in the morning and JH in the evening.
  14. Have you asked the acupuncture vet? Is there anyone else in the area that travels? How old is Lady and has she had a TBD panel?
  15. Is she on Fresh Factors? That and some acupuncture or chiropractic will help tremendously. Boiled chicken I bet she'll eat it!
  16. I emailed my vet and she said continue with acupuncture. Will the acupuncture vet go to the clinic?
  17. I wonder if my vet (the rehab one) will consult with your regular vet. I think she will and give her opinion re time it should take. I'll copy & paste what you said was done so she has it when I get to work. I'll p.m. you the phone number.
  18. for you both. I know the place where you are. Take pictures, eat ice cream. Cuddle....
  19. If I'm not mistaken the only real treatment for stomatitis is removing the teeth. They can do fine without them. I'd advise consulting with OSU and see what they say. I just went and looked at the age -- 4 is very young.
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