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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Do you have him on Fresh Factors or Joint Health? Either one will help tremendously. http://www.springtimeinc.com
  2. I suggest she spend the money to get OSU's opinion. How old is he?
  3. Burpdog


    I'm so glad you found each other! He's a special guy Sending my sympathy
  4. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy. Makes me very sad. He's a handsome guy
  5. I miss all of mine for different reasons. A few were extra special. When one goes, a hole opens up and when the next one comes, they fill a little bit of that hole so my heart is never totally destroyed. It doesn't matter if they are with you 3 months or many years. It just hurts. I know I'll see them again. It's the only thing that keeps me going.
  6. Sending my deepest sympathy. They were loved
  7. I'm sure by now he's sampled all of the flavors Jodie made Run sweet Bill and eat as much as you want!!! Sending my sympathy
  8. My heart just sunk You & she had so much to fight thru -- a valiant struggle and she wouldn't have had so much time had she not been with you She can run like the wind
  9. I occassionally say to my vet "let's do old time medicine" and I don't feel bad doing that. Many times I ask "will that change the treatment if we know for sure" and I'm told no, but we will know. I already know and the test is just confirming it, not diagnosing it. For some years I was fortunate to have good greyhound vets at Banfield, so I used both Banfield and my current vet, depending on the treatment. I'm old and I can't take anything with me when I go, so I'd rather spend the money on the dogs than buy "things" or buy gifts for grandchildren and children who neither need them, nor appreciate them.
  10. I'd just keep him with you. Shuffling him back & forth is the worst thing to do. I think he'll settle in just fine. Treats all the way!
  11. Typical Dane not to eat. Try anything -- cooked meat, etc. Danes will close to starve themselves to death. Well, ice packs on his non existant noogies are better than washing out his hoo hoo
  12. Burpdog


    "Just" a galgo pulled from the streets of Spain by Galgos del sol. They tried, he tried but he couldn't beat the leishmania (what a nasty disease). This one made me cry. Run like the wind sweet boy.
  13. If you are seeing worms, she needs to be wormed. Probably tape? Take a sample into the vet. You are feeding the worms in addition to her so feed more until she is wormed and clear.
  14. This is your boy who is not a greyhound, right? My non greyhounds and the greys from the old lines ran on the high side of high. I assume he is still in the normal range, correct?
  15. After messing around with Isaac and his allergies for 2 years, I did the allergy tests. I can honestly say it was worth it and if I ever suspect allergies again, I'll do the test asap. You can guess all you want, but that doesn't help the situation. I guessed he should not have chicken and fed him turkey. He is allergic to turkey and not chicken. I never imagined he was allergic to lamb and peas. Isaac also has outside allergies (which he did not have in Florida where he was on sand/dirt). Since elminating his food allergies, the rest have been managable.
  16. Hopefully she has transitioned to dry dog food softened. A/D for a 4 year old doesn't sound like a permenant diet answer
  17. Opt for Soloxine if you are going to medicate for thyroid. You can buy it at Omaha Vaccine cheap compared to the vets, or Allivet
  18. Probably not but who knows. The thyroid is the engine for the body. You should have good vets there. What were the kidney values? (BUN and creatine)
  19. I'm a little concerned by your vet's comment: This is a basic principle -- not just greys (true for humans also) TSH Level: This blood test measures the amount of TSH in the bloodstream. In a hypothyroid dog, the level will be elevated because the body is trying to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormone. If the Baseline T4 and Free T4 by Equilibrium Dialysis are low and the TSH is elevated, a diagnosis of hypothyroidism can be made. Where are you located?
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