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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sending my sympathy She is beautiful!
  2. Get something for his stomach like carafate. Sending prayers
  3. Burpdog

    Moto Hot Rod

    Sending my deepest sympathy What a handsome angel has joined the Rainbow Land Players
  4. You really need a specialist for a puppy. I am guessing because of the growth issues, plates might have to be removed and/or replaced. Also. rehab on a puppy is totally different because of growing bones than an adult.
  5. One of the things I learned early on (because I started in Great Danes) is that when a large dog is ill, the first thing to go is the rear -- doesn't matter what is wrong. Could be from not bad to very bad. This applies to any large dog. I've had it happen in danes, dobes and greys.
  6. I can't tell you how many dogs I've lost where the vets and I knew something was wrong and the blood work was normal. All the dogs with osteo for instance. With Austin, we knew he was harboring cancer "somewhere" but didn't know for 10 months where. You can sometimes tell they are off and some are good at hiding it. The only advantage for mine have been an incredible acupuncture vet who is very good. She heard Buffy's lung tumor long before the other vets. I could go on and on. Looking at what you went thru with Cody, I don't see anywhere that you dropped the ball -- it's something that just happened. When Princess thru her lung clot, she was fine when I left the house and I barely got to work and had to go home and get her. I never noticed anything wrong with her in the days leading up to "that" day. It's more of a shock that way but it is many times kinder to both the dog and the person. If you have followed my posts, you know I will support the dog as long as they want to live and as long as they are not suffering and in some measure happy. That can be so draining and hard on me. Hospice care is not fun -- it can be rewarding and it is necessary...although there are some funnies along the way I guess You can drive yourself nuts trying to figure out if you missed something. Take a little time to reflect then move on or you will end up nuttier than you are If you do think of something you feel you missed, use it for the future and to advise others.
  7. Can you put some non slip rugs where he goes? The problem with sticky paw is that they sweat thru their pads and using it every day is not a good idea.
  8. Yes to what Jey said. Removal with laser lasted so much longer. With Isaac the laser removal lasted over a year. Vet that did Isaac's doesn't practice anymore. I've been begging my vet to get a laser If you mean the non surgical laser, I'll ask my alternative vet as I know she uses it for other treatments.
  9. Makes me very sad Thank you for sharing him -- it's obvious you loved each other. Run like the wind Cody Sending my sympathy
  10. doxy not long enough should be 5mg per # of body weight twice a day for 8 weeks.
  11. The lowest reaction rates and death rates is metacam oral (metacam injections, adverse death rates same as rimadyl) Deramaxx can cause a serious stomach bleed so you have to be very aware of what to look for.
  12. In addition to other things, rimadyl can cause neurological damage. There are many other things you can use for pain.
  13. when they turn 8 or 9 I start Fresh Factors, Vit E and up the fish oil.
  14. Some dogs are hungrier than humans. If you were hungry you would eat. The dogs don't have that luxury. Why must they be canned into some behavior mold? Sometimes I wonder....
  15. What color is his poop? Usually the poop goes to a lighter color. If there is a slight insuffiency, it might not. Kind of looks like cream of baby crap.
  16. How is his weight? I've had dogs like that that had tape worm or hook.
  17. One of the sweetest stud dogs ever. I remember the trip for one Lynn to take Isaac to Marilyn, and the other Lynn taking him from Marilyn to me -- he pooped both times The LS got too bad -- different and numerous treatments didn't work anymore. He had the heart of a warrior and tried up to the end. He really didn't want to go which makes it harder than it normally is. He survived a nerve sheath tumor removed last year (or the year before? I lose track of time), being shot at some point perhaps at the farm, a hock repaired, a shoe boil, corns -- like I said, he had lots of heart. He hated the camera so I don't have lots of pictures. I'm going to miss the old man
  18. I assumed he'd be going to the vet -- might need antibiotics. Bad place to suture.
  19. If you don't have mineral oil you can use olive oil. Give him an extra biscuit from me
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