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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sending lots of good healing thoughts. Poor guy
  2. Talk to your vet about worming her with panacur even if she doesn't show worms. As my alternative vet said: it calms the gut. Might be all she needs. I've also had to give some fiber at times. Metamucil will do. And acidolphilus (sp) pills. Heck to get old but better than the alternative
  3. Sending lots of good thoughts. Will she eat boiled chicken?
  4. Did you do a urine culture (not just a test in the vet's office)? Sometimes the older ones harbor an infection that just doesn't show up. On the older ones, I'll try a round of clavamox and see if it resolves. I would never diaper an old one Chiropractic will help.
  5. Chiropractic will help. Maybe acupuncture. I think that's why my guys don't have too many issues in late ages. Not that they don't have any, but it's less than others I've heard of. I call them "oops" turds, and sometimes they leave "sleep" turds. I never say anything, just clean it up.
  6. I've been using Fresh Factors since around 1994. Joint Health I've used on occassion but because it has MSM in it and my vet told me no MSM with pred, I've opted to just use the Fresh Factors.
  7. B12 injections are usually done as you said. Since you are in Ireland, I doubt you have a tick borne disease problem.
  8. Sending many hugs I personally would not put a 9 yr old thru anything heroic nor would I put them thru a study. Eat lots of ice cream and take pictures.
  9. Is he still in pain? Try the tamadol every 4 hours (1 to 1 1/2 pill) instead of 8-12 hrs.
  10. Jodie had IBD, a pancreatic insufficiency and gluten intolerance. She ate the following for around 18 months and had the best coat of the bunch: 5# boiled potatos with skin, mashed 2# green beans, put in processor 3# or so of boiled meat, beef or chicken 2C of rice made with 4C of water I added fish oil and sterlized calcium to each feeding. Isaac had problems for 2 years before I finally did allergy tests on him. He is allergic to peas, turkey & lamb in the food area. Of course, I had been feeding him turkey and not chicken..... He started NB duck & potato and did very well on it.
  11. Have you done a TBD panel? Did you start B12 shots & are you giving her acidolphillus?
  12. You know I know how bad you are hurting... Sending my sympathy and hugs :grouphug
  13. Burpdog

    Jc's Havok

    :grouphug Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts
  14. What a handsome angel Sending my sympathy It always hurts a lot....
  15. SamE is not cheap Be careful what you buy. Cheap doesn't mean good or standarized. I'll see if my vets know. I've used milk thistle for liver support.
  16. Did they do a full TBD panel? How long off the track?
  17. Makes me sad you've gone thru this. I wasn't kidding -- if this doesn't work out, we can work something out for him. Acupuncture should help a lot. I prefer CHI certified.
  18. I've never had an alternative vet say leave the room. Is this vet CHI certified? Acupuncture will help. Push come to shove, bring him here -- he can stay awhile and see my vets.
  19. Fish oil is good. There are supplements that you should be able to get over there. One with chondroitin made from bovine. I'll see if I can do a search later and find some. Not sure Cosequin is sold in the UK?
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