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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. That's what Buffy had. She did well on pred 10mg in the morning and 5mg at night. She was diagnosed last June and lasted until just a few weeks ago. Also what Shadow had. When Shadow was diagnosed, we put him on pred at 20mg per day and he lasted around 6 months. It's hard -- I know
  2. How young Sending my sympathy. Run like the wind Hero!
  3. How sad Sending my sympathy
  4. In addition to Fresh Factors, there are many Chinese supplements the acupuncture vet can prescribe to help with arthritis. I like the CHI certified vets: http://www.tcvm.com/
  5. Sending my sympathy What a beautiful angel
  6. Sending my sympathy I'm so glad you found each other!
  7. I was just going to ask if he's had an ultrasound. Chrissy lasted quite some time on medication with cardio. Here's hoping.
  8. Once again, my heart is broken. Buffy is one that I wanted more time with -- a lot more time. She had a tough life before going to her foster home then coming to me. She only got a year in a home. She is the only greyhound I really considered returning -- she was very difficult with food. Solved that problem with feeding her in the back room behind a gate. She was the leader of the pack. Now, it's my job again. I don't want the job -- I want her back. Last June she was diagnosed with a lung tumor. When we x rayed in October, it had tripled in size. She still enjoyed life, slowing down a little each week. Still played with stuffies and insisted on taking them outside. We let her -- many times she would lay outside with her head on the stuffy. Sometimes she just took them out and left them It was something she really enjoyed, so we let her take them out and we went out & brought them in. Saturday she started getting lethargic and by early Sunday morning, I knew I could not wait until Monday morning so we went to the ER clinic. I told her no more wonky leg (farm injury), no more trouble breathing -- she could run like the wind.
  9. If she's still walking and eating I say she's fine. Isaac ate laying down the last few months of his life. Didn't stop him enjoying food
  10. Try boiled meat (boil & rinse if you use ground meat) either all by itself or with potatoes (not rice). I prefer chicken which has less fat. If they have a hook worm infestation, you usually do a 5 day round. Also, might need some flagyl or maybe only flagyl. If he has not gotten any better after worming, maybe that is not the problem (hook). Wish you could get frozen BilJac up there. If flagyl doesn't do it, I can send you allergy test info. When all is said & done, it's not that expensive. I fiddled with Isaac for almost two years and it turned out he was allergic to rice and turkey and not chicken. Of course, I was feeding him rice and turkey and keeping him away from chicken. Taught me a lesson. He did well on NB duck & potato. If you want to try a kibble, that is the one I would try.
  11. There is such a variation of what causes pancreatitis. My friend had a dobe that would get pancreatitis when she ate chicken. Jodie had mild pancreas attacks for 18 months (which is how Burpdog Biscuits got started). The lowest fat dog food I've found (that is good) is Solid Gold Holistique Blendz. For treats apple chips (they come in bags like potato chips), and I think dates. I'll have to check. Rice cakes, corn cakes, I think mini bagels. I say "I think" because it's been a lot of years! Shadow had one bout that almost killed him, pulled out of it with conventional treatment and acupuncture. He was on pancreatic enzymes for around a month then off of them and never had another bout.
  12. If this started at the onset of bad weather, sounds like she is not pooping as many times as she should when she goes outside. Most of mine poop at least twice each time they go out -- got to squeeze out lingering turds...... At least she is waking you up
  13. Which antibiotics was he on? Are the teeth in firm? How long ago was the dental?
  14. What an adorable angel! Sending my sympathy
  15. I know your pain. She sounds very special -- another super angel waiting for her human Sending my sympathy
  16. Run free Gus. Sending my sympathy
  17. I'd do the dental and can I assume you have had a thyroid panel done on her? At her age I'd be tempted to do a free T4 and if it's low, supplement (with your vet's approval of course). Have you done a urine culture on her? Is she going only when you are not home? Heart would do that. It was SA and I put plastic down and a runner over it since she nicely went in one place in the hall Here's hoping he can clean up the canines and they are not rotten. There is a good chinese herb called Calm Spirit that she could be on every day and it would help without drugging her out. Let me know if you want the info for your vet
  18. Thank you for sharing her with us. What a beautiful soul. Sending my sympathy
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