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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Your poor guys can't catch a break! Sending prayers for successful treatment and remission.
  2. Cleared IE before I went to Firefox. Still doesn't work.
  3. let's see if this works ok -- this did on firefox but I could not post via IE
  4. I have not read all the replies. If you are going to groom greyhounds, you should know they can and will freak out on a table. Even at the vets my guys do not go up on the table. For the very thing that happened to your guy: it takes a split second to freak and get injured (and yes, a few greys have died) Anyone who uses a groomer for greyhounds should insist: no table and no drying with heaters. Glad to hear he is coming home.
  5. She said "vet is optimistic" which is good news. I hope they keep him sedated so he stays calm. Sending lots of prayers.
  6. I don't think it's only the xanax but the whole experience. Sending lots of prayers.
  7. Absolutely not. You come for advice which we give based on what we know -- but we do NOT know your dog. You do and you do what is best.
  8. If this was a normal dog, I wouldn't hesitate to take him in for an ultrasound. However, as you said he is a spook and went hyperthermic from his dental. If he does have cancer, what would you do? Nothing but keep him comfortable. I think the vet is in CYA mode
  9. Isaac was give 1 mg, two tablets for thunderphobia. If it were me I'd try the clavamox first and see if it all resolves before putting him thru that.
  10. Sending my sympathy I have a few that run back & forth visiting doggy and human friends She's fine -- sending hugs to you
  11. My sympathy to all who love her
  12. I've seen obsessive licking in an older Dobe that resulted in her licking to the bone (it was disgusting). I remember telling the owner to put her on vitamin E and I think zinc & C. She stopped and the sore healed. I wonder if he is licking his legs whether the heart issue is affecting his circulation and his licking is stimulating. One of your vets should be able to tell you if his circulation is good. That is one of the first things my alternative vets check -- how the pulses are. After reading some of the posts, I would check his spleen (an ultrasound should do I believe) and no way I'd do spine surgery on an 8 year old.
  13. I have it at work -- copied the page. I'll send it to you in the morning if you need it. Just did the ip address and opening a support ticket.
  14. Why, all of a sudden would I get this using IE? (which is what I always use at work and at home to access GT) This meaning a 403 error I already tried twice so I don't want to try again. Or should I so I can copy & paste?
  15. Before going that route, I'd look for a vet who knows how to remove them (hull) and finish with laser. When Isaac had it done that way it lasted 9 months. I wouldn't do the procedure you mention.
  16. I know how much it hurts Sending my sympathy
  17. Do you have the rabies vaccine certificate?
  18. Very sad All I can think is how fortunate you all were to have found each other. So young..... Sending my sympathy
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