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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I question the Alabama Rot diagnosis. Please get another opinion. You can also ask the vets to consult with Dr. Fenwick.
  2. What a sweet girl! Sending my sympathy
  3. Waiting to hear..... Could be just friction between the toes.
  4. If it's been 6 months since blood work, time to take her in. Also, are you at the end of a bag of dog food? New bag? Do you know where the supplier stores their food? The distributor?
  5. She shouldn't need deramaxx for 10 days. Sounds excessive. Laser is the best. Isaac had his done in Florida and it lasted 8-10 months. Hulling them doesn't last long at all. My vet doesn't have a laser. I keep badgering him to get one
  6. Cara Brockhoff sent me the following -- thought it would be wonderful to share!!! WHAT’S NEW AT THE OHIO STATE GREYHOUND HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAM • The OSU Greyhound Health and Wellness Program welcomed Dr. Christine Kellogg, a 2003 OSU Graduate with vast experience in Greyhound medicine, surgery, and dental care in June. • We now have a Greyhound dental clinic (Tuesdays), and will start Greyhound Medicine clinics (Monday and Wednesday), and Greyhound wellness clinics (Thursday and Friday) by July 16th, so Greyhounds will be seen every day of the week. • With Dr. Carlos Alvarez's lab (Nationwide Children's Hospital Molecular Genetics) we recently submitted for publication a paper with what we believe is the main gene for osteosarcoma (OSA) in Greyhounds. In the future, we should be able to test dogs with a mouth swab, and keep affected dogs from breeding. Moreover, targeted gene therapy may be applicable to dogs with OSA. • We are currently evaluating a novel metronomic chemotherapy protocol (drugs that target new blood vessel formation, masking the immune system, and inducing cancer cells to "commit suicide") once finished conventional chemotherapy in Greyhounds with OSA. • Currently studying why Greyhound blood pigment (hemoglobin) is so effective in releasing oxygen to the tissues, and correct the extreme acid status in their blood after a race. In cooperation with Dr. Andre Palmer (OSU Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) and Dr. Carlos Alvarez (Nationwide Children's Hospital Molecular Genetics) we are studying this phenomenon. Elucidating this will lead to MAJOR changes in the way we manage critically ill patients (both canine and human). • There is a major shortage of blood for transfusion in the US (only 7 commercial blood banks, including OSU in the US). Currently, blood or red blood cells can be stored for up to 5 weeks (before they go bad). With Dr. Palmer's group we are developing new blood preservatives that will likely allow us to store the blood for up to 7 weeks. • We elucidated the mechanism of bleeding after surgery in Greyhounds, and have discovered a drug to prevent or treat the problem. • We continue working with Dr. Lori Bohenko (an OSU alumnus) at the Wheeling Racetrack and Casino in the "4 legs 4 hounds" program, where we fix career-ending injuries and place the Greyhounds in homes in the central Ohio area. Most dogs are enrolled in the blood donor program and thus provide a service to the community. • Because Greyhounds are similar to cheetahs (anatomically and physiologically), we are now studying cheetah blood as it pertains to their blood pigment (hemoglobin) and comparing it to that in other big cats. This project is a collaborative effort with The Wilds and son will include the Cleveland and Cincinnati zoos. • We started working on other sighthound breeds. In May we attended the Scottish Deerhound National Specialty Meeting and collected blood and DNA from almost 100 Deerhounds. We are currently studying some of their health issues (e.g.; bleeding, clotting, OSA) and comparing them to those in Greyhounds. • We are investigating evolution of sighthound breeds through molecular genetics of blood groups. Dogs, like people, have different blood groups that are genetically determined and tied into evolution. Because different sighthound breeds have different blood groups, we should be able to determine when/where each breed originated and how they evolved.
  7. Sending lots of good thoughts & prayers. Some of mine have protein but their ratios are fine so we don't worry about it. So, don't worry about it yet
  8. I've had several dogs that had to stay on pepcid and carafate for a long time.
  9. I've been checking and glad he's done & it went ok!!
  10. I'm just looking at the picture and smiling -- big picture in a frame on the wall is where I'd have it! Thanks for sharing
  11. Get some xanax Also, have a thyroid panel done. edited to say: exercise has nothing to do with storm phobic dogs. Sometimes a low thyroid will make them worse.
  12. Burpdog


    What a special spirit and how lucky you all were to find each other. Sending my sympathy May he send you someone when you are ready.
  13. How much sulcrafate is he getting? Flagyl will upset the stomach. You might ask the vet about stopping it for at least a day. Panacur will calm the gut which could be why he's been ok. I would give him zantac or pepcid. He needs to be scoped. Do you have a specialist you go to? You need to know what you are dealing with. At this point you are guessing. You can give him more sulcrafate now.
  14. You can do it. If you don't think you can drive, have someone take you. I drive and the bridge kid gets to ride on the front seat
  15. I've had 4 with osteo and doing a quick look only one was related to the originally mentioned dogs -- my Molotov son. Like us humans, they are all going to die from something. Sad, but true. For some reason, the ones who come to me have or will have something wrong <very big sigh> If I worried about my pain, sorrow and money, I'd never adopt another.
  16. Sending my sympathy We all know your pain I hope he sends you someone special when it is time. I just read your question: it's time whenever you are ready. I personally, cannot be without a furkid. When one leaves, it makes room for another to have a forever home.
  17. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy I feel like I've known him forever -- crying too....
  18. Sending my sympathy What a beautiful girl
  19. Can you get him acupuncture treatment?
  20. Sounds like vestibular. I wish I could remember what my vet gave Tootsie. I'll try & look back and see.
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