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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. A little late to the discussion, but I will just add my A loose martingale is next to useless in controlling a frightened/aggressive/over-active dog, so be sure yours is fitted correctly. I personally found a harness a much better option for my leash reactive 90lb greyhound. I could hold him next to me (which helped calm him) and not worry about him injuring his neck when he leapt around like a fish on the end of the line I have the 2Hounds harness mentioned above and it worked great. Actually, I had two, but gave one away. They do have velvet, I think so they don’t rub on that fragile greyhound skin. They are somewhat adjustable, but at 11 months your girl will probably grow a bit more. If you call 2Hounds they are very helpful with choosing the size you would need. I have never needed the double leads, pretty sure I am not coordinated enough to manage but I know some people who have. All that said, it sounds like a properly fitted martingale might be all you need for now.
  2. For years I have had to use the open mouth, shove in pill(s) for Val. For small pills I use a cheese slice to wrap several together, for a big sucker like Drontal, just one at a time. Fortunately I still have all my fingers
  3. I will have had Val for 7 years in October, but when she went off her Heartgard last year she came up positive for hooks . Fortunately a mild case and she seems negative again as long as she stays on the Advantage Multi, which is good because the Drontal really did a number on her. But that is what I mean, you can’t escape!
  4. I don’t think you can escape, but if he still has good poops at least he may not have a bad case
  5. Congratulations! Max, you are safe now
  6. Happy Birthday Opal! Love those old gals
  7. I hear MickyD’s is giving away free French fries tomorrow in Rocket’s honor! Ok, maybe because of French fry day, and I am sure there is some catch, like with a large drink or something, but still.
  8. Arizona poutine I think Mark would be down with that!
  9. Thanks for the update, sounds like she is doing well so far
  10. Broodies My first greyhound was a 7 yr old broodie. She was generally a pretty shy, quiet dog, very polite, but when I got a big, rowdy 2yr old, she could put him in his place with “the look” She never growled, just shot him the look and he was “Ma’am, yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am!”
  11. Val eats a fancy-schmancy frozen food from the indie pet store, I’ve only had a problem getting that once, but I recall a month or so ago Costco put a one bag per customer limit on all their pet food. They have since lifted it, but it could come back any time. I guess this is our new normal. Plus, the cost
  12. Perhaps the one Benadryl broke the cycle, sometimes it becomes a habit and interrupting makes them “forget”. Whatever, it keeps working. edited to add, I did have one dog, I think it was Fletcher, that Zyrtec worked better with, I guess just like everything else, it depends on the individual.
  13. Now that y’all mention it, Val did have to have her anal glands expressed once. I had forgotten, it was a few years ago. Something worth mentioning to your vet. (Vets just love to express anal glands )
  14. Put down some rugs in high traffic areas (high traffic for her) and be sure they are non skid rugs with rubber backing. She should do fine.
  15. The only one of my dogs who had his doom claws removed was ADHD klutz Fletcher I was so glad there was at least one thing he couldn’t injure! Not that I am saying Doolin would do any such thing
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