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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. A few of mine were closers, I think come from behind wins are the most exciting! Guinness
  2. One of my dogs liked to spend the better part of the night outside in the summer. She would come to bed in the bedroom along with everyone else, but at some point she would go outside (also dog door) and usually not come back in until sunrise
  3. Gracie is just being the dignified lady she is, and Guinness the goofy boy hound he is Val used to hop around so much I would cross my arms and say, “we can’t go anywhere until I get your collar on, and I can’t put it on until you calm down!” Then she would hold still long enough to get collared, then grab a toy to carry out to the gate.
  4. And then there were none. My sweet girl left me today and for the first time in 20 years there are no greyhounds in my house. For the first time in nearly 30 years there are no animals at all. The silence is deafening. It is fitting that Val should be the last, she was the sweetest, best dog ever. She was a Good Dog. Like most of my dogs she was a little older, 7 when she came to live with me and Conner, and a bounce. She fit right in, she loved everybody, except babies and small children, she was afraid of those terrors . But anyone else, she would drag me across the street if she saw someone so they could pet her. She was always a little hurt and confused if they didn't want to make a fuss over her, but she was polite and didn't push. She was a quiet dog, but she was always with me, wherever I was. I miss her so much, I don't know how long it will be before I stop looking for her, talking to her. Run free sweetheart, the pain is gone, the confusion and uncertainty, all gone.
  5. Given your needs, I am sure you can find a greyhound that would work for you! I think starting with training as a therapy dog is an excellent idea. Good luck and please let us know how it goes!
  6. I was going to mention Barbara Masi as well, as likely having the most relevant experience for your particular question. All my greyhounds lived with indoor cats, only one needing some extra reminders to do the right thing . He was also the only one who chased outdoor cats and was not good with small dogs. All the others showed little or no interest in outdoor critters.
  7. I had a brindle foster once whose markings were the exact colors of a caramel and chocolate sauce swirl. She was a beauty
  8. Tessie is one of the great success stories So happy for both of you!
  9. I think the Mighty Hunter will get her meal, regardless
  10. Hang in there Milo, you’re still one tough guy
  11. they know how to beat the heat! But you better keep your Visa away from LaVida if you let her watch QVC
  12. Lamb does seem to be a protein that some dogs like and some can not tolerate. I can’t comment on a brand of kibble except to say many dogs seem to do well on Purina. From what I understand from my vet and some of the articles I have read, the problem with grain free is not the lack of grain but the unusual things they add to replace the grain. There has to be something to add bulk and act as a binder to make kibble. The issue is still being investigated, though, and something may change later. Plenty of dogs have eaten grain free foods for years with no problem, but at this point if I was feeding kibble I would not go grain free.
  13. Some dogs loose interest in breakfast as they get older, especially in the summer. If he eventually finishes and is still eating his dinner with gusto, it may just be a change in his habits. I would keep an eye on him and if anything else changes, I would think it was time for a vet visit, but for now, just watch
  14. I am sorry to hear of Zoe’s passing. I am sure Rocket and Petunia are there waiting for her.
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