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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Yes, that was it “Moob ober Unca Bill”
  2. Love the dramatic music, and her look at her dad, Dad, **?
  3. After a couple of close calls I stuck to chicken feet and turkey necks. Duck feet were looked at with great suspicion and ultimately rejected
  4. I found a bag of replacement squeakers if you ever run out
  5. Do any of you old timers remember the picture of hounds on the sofa with the young puppy, I think one of the FTH pups, wedged in the middle? Can’t remember who it was, but the picture, and expressions, was hilarious
  6. “What are you looking at?” “Nothing to see here, move along” I wonder who was up there first, from the looks I would guess Guinness was first, but from positioning, Grace clearly has the prime spot
  7. If your feeling is now is not the right time, then now is not the right time! There will be opportunities to add another hound later if you want, maybe not a sibling, but go with your gut feeling. You can just spoil pamper Cara all the more
  8. What a beautiful place Enjoy your holiday!
  9. We’ll, yes, of course! Most of mine didn’t want to get on the bed, I let them choose.
  10. Clever Milo! Can you put a small non slip rug by one side of your bed?
  11. I used Galliprant for Conner after he became sensitive to meloxicam and he had no issues with it. It is going to be more expensive because I think it is too new to have a generic (someone will correct me if I am wrong, I’m sure ) but I got it from Chewy for a fairly reasonable price. I have also found the Costco pharmacy to be reasonable. Val’s prescription for 90 gabapentin was $17
  12. One thing that may come up later (and very well may not!) is some lameness or soreness in the opposite leg/shoulder. In her case it would be the back leg opposite the one her toe was amputated. I adopted a 9 year old with a foot injury that had healed wonky and made him sometimes limp (right rear). When he got to be 11 he started limping in his left front. It turned out to be related to his bad foot, on a four legged animal, a chronic injury can throw their gait off and eventually cause some strain on the opposite leg. He lived to be a very happy, active 14.4 year old. This is not something major, and it would certainly not stop me from adopting, I just wanted you to be aware so if it does show up later you would know what was going on.
  13. So scary and frustrating to not know what is going on.
  14. Amantadine is a human drug that is supposed to increase the effectiveness of pain meds. It works really well for some dogs, not at all for others. It works for Sherlock
  15. Or when you fall down flat on your face does she look at you like “Why are you lying in the road?”
  16. Good news for Buddy! You might also ask your vet about cold laser treatments. They helped Val quite a lot with her back end pain and weakness.
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