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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Ooh, I love this. Saving it to my folder of potential tattoos I will likely never get.
  2. It was close to 70 today so we had lots of outside time and I thought I'd share a couple of pics. Isn't my yard looking fab? Oh, c'mon, Willa.
  3. I feel it is my duty to resurrect this thread in honor of its upcoming 20th birthday. <—olives Also now I have a male dog and let's just say Doolin's very happy about going for walks in the morning...
  4. Yep, those are the rules. No human potty breaks allowed.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Merc's diagnosis. We did an amp with Sweep but she also went through chemo. Before we knew it was osteo for sure, she had three rounds of doxorubicin, which is more of a broad spectrum chemo drug. That was hard on her GI wise and she needed a day or two to recover. Once we had confirmation of osteo, she was switched to carboplatin (more targeted for osteo) for the last three rounds and she never missed a beat with that. Once she had finished the IV chemo, she was put on two different oral chemo drugs, first cyclophosphamide and then later Palladia, and she tolerated both without side effects. We would have done radiation but our nearest option was Atlanta (4 hrs away) and she wouldn't have done well with all that travel. We got almost 15 months with her after the initial leg break. No signs at all before that. For pain, gabapentin plus an NSAID plus or minus Tramadol is common. Don't let your vet be conservative. Gaba can make Merc woozy until he adjusts, so watch for that and help keep him steady if he needs support. I can't recommend a consult with Dr. Couto highly enough. He's fantastic and will know if there's anything new in the works.
  6. Did the adoption group give you the paperwork to register her with the NGA? That's an easy way to be "official" although Greyhound Data has a field for Adoptive Owner now, which would suffice if you needed to prove ownership in the event she got away from you. (If you don't have edit access there, I could do that for you.) You could also have your vet make a note of her ear tattoos so you have a record there. All that said, no one's going to argue with you if she's wearing a tag collar with your name and number; mine wear theirs 24/7. Slight digression because it's a good story: Many years ago one of the foster greyhounds in our group escaped and was never to be found again...or so everyone thought. Five years later someone reported a greyhound sighting, a trap was set, and she was caught in a few days. They were able to verify it was her by her ear tats and she was returned to the group, no problem. She had a terrible case of heartworm but otherwise was miraculously healthy. Cassie lived the next few years as a very spoiled pet before passing last year shortly before she turned 12.
  7. Doolin waited as long as he possibly could last night and then took the longest pee I have ever witnessed. Willa was just behind Gelsey's record, I think. Pee and poop in no time flat! We're having rolling blackouts here, but we're all fine and staying warm. Please be safe out there!
  8. Sounds like it's going great! It's so fun to see them blossom.
  9. Totally normal for Tej to bark and there's no need to correct it. Willa and Doolin (my own littermates) play in our backyard all the time and I'm sure the neighbors think they're vicious because Willa talks so much smack (snarling, barking, growling, the whole works). But that's all it is, and Doolin knows it. They're having a good time!
  10. Priorities!! So clever. I love the beauty and the intense quiet after a big snow. Not that it happens very often down here!
  11. Gelsey and Willa are obviously related.
  12. @MP_the4pack Hi again, it's me calling Bubbles and MP! Santa asked me to say the gifts are on the sleigh and package number two is en route to you! This second treasure can be opened at your leisure.
  13. So charming! That tunnel pic's a framer. Can't wait to see the "after" version.
  14. Sounds like he's in good hands if he's been evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon. Unfortunately, greyhounds are really prone to foot and toe woes. I'm tagging a few people who have more experience with sprung toes and amputations specifically to hopefully get more eyes on your post. @greysmom @FiveRoooooers @Remolacha
  15. Can you tell us a bit more about how he was diagnosed and how long the toe has been this way? Is he limping? Sounds a bit like a sprung toe, and I think generally those are left alone (treated with NSAIDs rather than surgery). Sweep had a similar issue with a toe (she injured it in the yard and the toe was flat), but it gradually resolved on its own. You might want to search "sprung toe" on this forum for more info. Others with more experience will weigh in, but I think when amputation is warranted most people here have opted to remove the whole toe. Even with weight-bearing (middle) toes, the dogs recover and don't usually have any long-term issues.
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