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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. You did right by your boy and spared him any prolonged suffering. He was lucky to have you as his people. Rest well, Hazer.
  2. I think Willa has a corn on her front left foot. I don't see a distinct border yet but there are some telltale signs, like limping on rough surfaces and a hard-feeling spot in the pad. Miss Jan graciously sent us a boot to try and I've joined the Greyhounds with Corns FB group. We're doing Bag Balm and colloidal silver. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever had a greyhound with a corn that resolved and never came back, or it's always a lifelong affliction. (Give me some hope, people! )
  3. Aww, one of Sweep's late in life discoveries. She loved that stuff! I hope you all have an uneventful weekend. You've had enough drama for a while.
  4. Willa's had hiccups a few times since we adopted her (I'd never seen that before either) and they've been silent but much slower. The allergy theory's a good one, but I'd also be inclined to try again to get that Gas-X in him. I assume the poop was/has been normal—no straining?
  5. The GEM store still carries them: https://gemstore-185419.square.site/product/muzzle/34?cs=true&cst=custom And Amazon has them (of course): https://a.co/ijkB0Bo
  6. That first post-crisis roach is The Best. There's a good girl, LaVida!
  7. That sounds like a terrifying ordeal, but I'm so glad LaVida seems to be on the mend. Hopefully it's just a one-off. Wishing you and Chris a restful week! Side note: Doolin is a dedicated pee hoverer too. So rude!
  8. I'm just heartbroken for you and David. I loved Paris's "voice" and will miss her posts. Sending many hugs your way.
  9. Ah! She certainly fooled me. Off to google pulp caps...
  10. I have an AnnIE and a Wiki. Perhaps that shall be another in the series of "X Goes for a Ride." Wiki, off-topic, but your teeth are beautiful. Does your mom do anything special to keep them so white and lovely?
  11. Yikes! Hope it passes on its own. Are you giving him anything to um, encourage its exit?
  12. My husband likes to tell her she has toilet paper caught on her shoe.
  13. Drunk Buddy. Re: eye color, yep! I recently told my husband I'd be a little sad if/when she goes white in the face, because she'll look less possessed intense.
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