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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. @2greyhoundMINI Monica and Carmen, I'm back to say that two boxes are on the sleigh. When you get them, will you let us know? Hopefully they won't be delayed by snow!
  2. @celbee Hear ye hear ye, Carol and Jethro: Santa's sent two boxes from the PO! When they arrive, could you let us know?
  3. @EllenEveBaz Your elf is back with a note to say that two more boxes are on the way!
  4. I'm not sure; it was a receptionist who called and she didn't have many details.
  5. Just started Doolin on Simparica Trio too. Hoping it helps!
  6. Yay, Wiki! Excellent report. From what I've read on the Getting Rid of Parasites in Retired Racing Greyhounds (say that three times fast) FB page, it's not uncommon to have to do two or three rounds of Profender. I had a feeling... his weight and poops are good, but he has been doing that thing where he acts like something's biting his sides.
  7. Doolin's hooks are back; still waiting for Willa's report. Second Profender treatment given today. How's everyone else doing?
  8. @MP_the4pack Mary Pat and Bubbles, first we must say your rhyming reply just made our day! Now a note from Santa, who wants to say that the very first gift should be opened right away. It's a perfect present to enjoy during the season, so to wait til Christmas there's no good reason! There will be another box, the second to arrive. For that one you can wait until December twenty-five.
  9. 'Twas a football indeed! Did it fulfill Milo's need? Did he play with his toy? Did it fill him with joy?
  10. Mine are mostly interested in chewing the branches this year. No ornament casualties or tumbled tree...so far.
  11. Willa too; one of my felted gnome ornaments almost lost his beard.
  12. You can practically hear Paddy whispering to her. Happy birthday, AnnIE! I hope you're enjoying all the new smells and sights at the new digs!
  13. @palmettobug Vanessa and Fuzzy, we have an update! Your Christmas gifts will KNOT be late. Santa's packing the sleigh as I write and prepping the reindeer to fly through the night. Your package will arrive very soon. Open it or wait: it's up to you! When it gets there, please drop us a line so Santa will know that all is fine.
  14. @EllenEveBazAttention, please! Santa would like to let you know a gift's on its way for Mr. Milo. This one's coming straight from Amazon (the online store, not the jungle one). Please open it when it arrives; Santa's not sure it's the right size! The rest will be coming separately and can wait beneath the Christmas tree.
  15. Ducky, could you please add Fiona? ("Broken humerus" thread.) Another lost to that damn osteo. Thank you.
  16. Dammit. I am so, so sorry. Please try not to second-guess yourself. You did everything you could for her, but this disease is just so evil and relentless. Rest well, Fiona. You will be loved always.
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