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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Aww, Sweep had that elbow affliction too when she first came home.
  2. Congrats, Journey! D&W are both on Simparica Trio now, so hopefully we'll be lucky too.
  3. Wiki, personally I prefer "the black bandit" as a nickname. I'm glad you're still asymptomatic though! We tested both dogs again on 3/21 because Willa's poop had become less than ideal. Doolin was negative for ova and parasites (phew!). Willa was not so lucky (boo). For a while there, she was licking mud in the yard, and I don't know if that was a symptom or a cause. She's not doing it anymore. We did a round of Profender again and will drop off a sample this Friday. Fingers crossed!
  4. Yes, I'd be pissed too. Maybe leaving a ziploc for each dog on the counter with a Sharpie'd "Today's treats" label would make it abundantly clear? And a padlock on the pantry door.
  5. Oh Buddy. I hate when those pesky holes jump up out of nowhere and attack! One ate my ankle shortly after Doolin arrived. Take it easy, and no more incidents or we'll have to update the sign again!
  6. When does the ETS support group meet? We'll bring the donuts.
  7. Quite all right. He has his fair share of derpitude too.
  8. She's leaving her own version of breadcrumbs to guide you all safely back home.
  9. AKA Krazee Eyez Willa! (Curb Your Enthusiasm reference for any fans.) I wish there were public pics going back when Johnny and Sweep raced. It would be so cool to see them in action too. Sweep wasn't good enough for Southland ("just out for a stroll with her friends" was the quote from Dick, I believe ), but this photographer also has photos from several FL tracks before they closed.
  10. Jerilyn and I apparently get our dogs from the same batch o' weirdos, because none of my three have ever tried the furniture either. A few days ago I even put Doolin's front legs on the outdoor couch on our porch, and he hopped the rest of the way up and then immediately back down. You never know!
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