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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. That one's my favorite! The satin lining is <chef's kiss>. I think I saw the collars here first from one of the UK GTers. Shipping was much cheaper through the website than through Etsy if you decide to go for it. It took a while to get here, of course, but it was packaged really well and seems to be great quality. Chris Isaak.
  2. My apologies. (Wiki needs a bandana print collar!)
  3. I'm blaming you when I tell him we're getting him a "Nudie suit"
  4. You know how when you get a greyhound you go crazy with the collar buying? Yeah, that happened again. GalgoStore on Etsy HighlandHound on Etsy KylieAndMe on Etsy TheEclecticHound on Etsy Goobers in plaid We're done...for now.
  5. This is awesome news! Thank you, girls, for your service.
  6. It sounds like he's doing great, pressure sore aside! There's another current thread called "Split webbing" where we talk about EMT gel and Derma Gel; either might help you out. Yay, Skip! Keep up the good work.
  7. How exciting! I will look forward to photos from the trip. I love Ireland. The hounds look so nice in their coats!
  8. You didn't dare move your hand until she woke up, right?
  9. Happy #10, Wiki!! You keep on keepin' on, funny girl!
  10. This sounds perfect. I hope you take some comfort from having made the decision, as hard as it is. Zane is very lucky to have you. Sending many hugs your way.
  11. Love it!! I wouldn't even have to change my duo's racing names (Gun Slinger and Villain).
  12. Sorry I missed this. I never dealt with pressure sores. How is Skip doing?
  13. I'm so sorry for Zane's diagnosis. He's so young. Your concerns are totally understandable, and you've already grasped the sad reality of this disease: Damned if I do and damned if I don't. I don't want this to sound harsh, but the cancer will eventually win. There's no saving his life here, only extending it with as much quality as you can. Sweep loved rides but hated going to the vet and was extremely anxious there. That was compounded by the fact that we went through this when COVID protocols were still in place and we couldn't ever go inside the clinic with her. Her oncology team suggested giving her Trazadone before her chemo treatments. Zane's vet might suggest that or something else to help his anxiety if he's not on anything currently. The good news is that chemo doesn't take long; depending on whether they were doing x-rays too or not, each appointment was usually 30–60 minutes. If Zane is food motivated, burgers or roast beef sandwiches as a special post-chemo treat can also help make it not such a scary experience. The amputation and hospital stay will be harder on him. We had hoped Sweep could stay a couple of nights at the clinic, but she was so stressed they had us pick her up the very next day. They remarked that she walked better to the car to go home with us than she ever had for them. Once she was back at home and with us, she did fine. Sweep was much older than Zane at the time of her surgery (11) and she was a rear leg amp, so she didn't do indoor stairs anymore afterward; her hind end just wasn't strong enough. Age is on Zane's side here. I suspect he would do fine with the stairs after the initial adjustment period. You'll likely need help getting him into the car at first. Is there a friend or neighbor who could give you a hand during his recovery? You'll need a good harness; check this thread for suggestions for front leg amps. It's not an easy road no matter what you choose. My husband and I talk a lot about whether we'd do it again with our current hounds, and we just don't know. Despite her anxiety at the vet's, Sweep was a fighter and I'm not sure our current two are wired that way. We got almost 15 months with her after the initial leg break and we wouldn't trade that time for anything, but the constant vigilance is exhausting and stressful. We have no regrets about our decisions with her, but so much is down to the individual dog and what YOU can handle and afford. The flip side of "all the options suck" is that there's no right or wrong decision; you make the best choice you can with the info you have, and out of love for your dog. On a final note, I'll say that I do think it's helpful when the vet has gone through this with their own pets. Our oncologist had done an amputation on his dog (not a greyhound) and he told us when they found the osteo, he had a moment of "What do I do?" and decided that he couldn't very well not follow his own recommendation to other owners. It was comforting to know that he'd been in our shoes before and he could share firsthand what to expect at each stage.
  14. It's a very small percentage of alcohol, so I don't think it stings. I've used it on two dogs with no reaction whatsoever from either. The board-certified surgeons at the specialty clinic that treated Sweep's cancer swear by it. It wipes right off if you need to remove it; it doesn't harden, so you will need to cover it. I believe the EMT gel does form a "scab" but I don't have firsthand experience.
  15. Thank you for trying to help! Gold Coast Greyhound Adoption is in that general area. From their Facebook page it looks like they're still active. I'm tagging a few FL folks who might know others. @Beachbum1 @cello @Mercsmom
  16. Are you in the UK? I had some great leather moccasins for my girl Sweep, but the company is US-based so I'm not sure the shipping cost or time would be worthwhile. The nice thing was that she could still feel the ground so she didn't do that goofy "I'm wearing shoes" walk with them, and they stayed on well. Something similar with a leather sole like these Muttluks might work. The EMT gel cited above is a good idea, or Derma gel is also excellent; it was recommended to us by the surgeon who did Sweep's amputation. Best of luck! Foot/toe problems are so frustrating with these guys.
  17. I was wondering how he was doing when you posted the photo on Valentines Day. So glad to see he's still excelling at greyhounding!
  18. Send her here! I'll trade ya one Cockadoodledoolin...
  19. As much as I'd love to take credit, he was a huge chatterbox even at the adoption kennel! It's one reason I had to take him home. I was totally charmed.
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