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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. When Taylor was diagnosed with Osteo 1/10/15, I started keeping medical records in an organized manner. I would scan, to my computer, the discharge notes, any blood work results, and radiologist's reports. I would make a copy of each of those papers, and put them in a manila envelope. The originals would go into my file. In case I ever had to race out the door to take Taylor to an e-vet or another vet, I would just be able to grab that manila envelope and I would have all of his records.
  2. Taylor saw his oncologist this afternoon. 7 weeks since the nodule was found in his lung. Blood work continues to be fine and his physical exam was fine. X-rays had been planned for today, to see if the nodule has shrunk, but the machine was down!! So they will do x-rays next Wednesday. He will stay on the same dose of Palladia he has been taking for 7 weeks, and he is tolerating that with no problem. In the meantime, he is acting fine and running and leaping.
  3. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet, special boy.
  4. When Taylor was diagnosed with Osteo in his right front "wrist" on 1/10/15, we did, I believe, 4 every 3 week treatments with Zoledronate. Unfortunatelyafter around 8 weeks, the bone broke a little, it healed up, and then another area of the bone broke a month later. His oncologist and I decided that the risk of a very painful break was going to happen, so the amputation was done 4/10/15. (still running and leaping and spinning).
  5. Taylor unloaded a small lake on the sidewalk in front of a restaurant with floor to ceiling windows. People sitting in the booths inside were clapping.
  6. Due to his increasing level of discomfort, I think a trip to an E-vet might be in order. If anything, just to get him some stronger pain medication.
  7. I went to Lowe's and bought runner, cut to length off of the big roll. Went to an auto upholstery shop and inexpensively had the cut ends bound. Bought non-skid material from Wal-Mart, and am all set. I don't think I would want to try to wash runners in my washing machine. I'd be afraid the machine would beat itself to death.
  8. Like a bunny?? oh no........Taylor hates bunnies, LOL
  9. Taylor started taking Palladia chemo pills 4 weeks ago. 100 mg, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He has shown no side effects, and his blood test last week showed all within normal greyhound ranges. A couple of days ago, I noticed some pigmentation change on his nose: I sent the following email to his oncologist last evening, followed by the doctor's response: Starting a day or two ago, I noticed the pigmentation on Taylor's nose seems to have changed. It seems a little more brown or reddish brown. Not black. It's not scaly and it isn't bothering him. His appetite and activity level are fine. Actually, the past few days he's been VERY active, wanting to get out for rides and walks as often as he can talk me into it. Naturally, it's boiling hot out. Any idea what might be going on? Related to his condition? Related to his chemo? His reply: Hi, I believe this is most likely related to starting Palladia. A skin pigment change is reported in some dogs in the original studies. I have seen this quite a few times, sometimes quite profoundly. As long as it is not scaly or cracking, and of course not bothering him, then it should be fine. It may continue to change and you may notice a change in his hair color as well. No one really knows why this happens with Palladia, but it seems to be purely cosmetic. I am glad that he is feeling so well! Thank you Evan Sones, DVM, MS DACVIM (Oncology) Animal Cancer Care Clinic 954-527-3111 www.animalcancercareclinic.com
  10. You make Rocket get out of the van? Mine feel walking around with a heat index of 100 degrees is highly over-rated, but they forget and STILL want to go out.
  11. Thank you for sharing. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet, gorgeous, special girl.
  12. Taylor had a checkup yesterday with his oncologist, 3 weeks after chest x-rays showed the little nodule in his lung (not there 3 months earlier). He started 100 mg of Palladia chemo pills, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 2-1/2 weeks ago. Yesterday's blood work came back fine. All good on the physical exam. He is having no side effects from the chemo pills. Good appetite and as much of an energy level as a greyhound might have with the heat index in the 90's the past month. We've already been out on 2 rides and walks today (including a trip to the UPS Store where they have TREATS!!!!). Next checkup is in 4 weeks, and that will be at the 7 week mark after finding the nodule. At that time, they will do blood work and chest x-rays. Hoping that the nodule has shrunk, and no others have formed. If the chemo pills haven't helped, we will go on to something else. It's been 18 months since diagnosis of Osteosarcoma, and 15 months since amputation. He runs and spins and jumps. Last week, he grabbed a rat off the top of the 6' tall privacy fence at 11:00 PM. "DROP IT!!!!!!" He did, and he looked quite pleased with himself.
  13. So very sorry for your loss
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