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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Happy birthday Odin! I love your sparse stripes.
  2. Congratulations to both of you! You're doing good work!
  3. Paddy is a sweet, handsome guy! And I'm glad Andy felt like running and that you're on the mend.
  4. Happy birthday beautiful Bella! 14! Wow! I love the picture of her surveying her city. What an exciting life she has had! I hope she has many more adventures with you.
  5. I'm so glad Cletus found you so we can all get to see him too!
  6. Wow! How scary, and weird. Any idea what set her off? I'm glad she's home safe and sound.
  7. Yay Cletus! I'm sure his legs and snoot will lengthen after some time with the greyhounds.
  8. Lila is a very furry girl and there is more fur than I can believe is possible during the Big Shed. A bath really did help in her case. It did seem to speed up the process. Just have a really good hair catcher on your drain or you'll end up needing a plumber. Oh, if you can get him in the tub. Most greyhounds are super clean and don't need regular baths. Lila was on the once a year plan, but now that she's 12 I don't want to wrangle her into the tub and make her stand there. She's still the cleanest dog I've ever seen. I think it is pretty normal for them to get more/better fur as they transition to home life.
  9. Aiden It's not a popular opinion, but I think pancakes are kinda weird too. Leave them for the girls and go for the bacon.
  10. Check the ingredients on the food to see if there have been any changes. An unannounced formula changed caused my girl to go picky which then caused a whole chain of other issues. If he’s been on the same food for a while it is completely possible that he doesn’t like it any more. Is there a different flavor of the same product line you could try? Lila goes though phases where she won’t eat from her bowl, but will greedily eat the same meal off a paper plate. She’s a weirdo, but it’s worth a try.
  11. Nice poem Nikita! The glacier is pretty much gone, just one remains on the patio. Lila flopped down in the dead, cold, damp grass today for belly rubs. I guess that means spring is here. Although we got 30" of snow last year on April 15.....
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