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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Good luck! I've been postponing my kitchen remodel due to Lila (13 1/3!). It really would be too much for her, she's always been a sensitive girl. And yes, I'd love to see before and after pictures!
  2. I'm glad Sweep got a clean bill of health. Who knows what goes on in those pointy little heads.....
  3. She could have slipped or something that you didn't see, or maybe something hurts, or a vision issue, or nothing. Things change when they get older. Lila was the easiest dog to do nails, she would flop over on her side and fall asleep when I dremmeled. Then one day she had a full on panic attack about the dremmel. Nothing had happened, I can manipulate her paws otherwise with no issue. So she could have just decided that she doesn't like those stairs anymore. I hope you're able to find something that works so she can continue to get to her bedroom.
  4. We are looking forward to more daylight too! I love that image! I'd hang that on my wall.
  5. This is my favorite story, but it's bittersweet this year. Missing Whiskey
  6. Nice job multitasking, holding the book and listening!
  7. I have a Kurgo, that I got from TJ Maxx, which is what we call Homegoods around here. Mine says it's not washable. It doesn't get heavy use and I've hosed it off out in yard.
  8. Rescue Remedy does seem to help Lila relax during thunderstorms. I just squirt a dropper full in her mouth.
  9. They are adorable! Congratulations to all of you!
  10. Awww, there's nothing like a snooze in the grass, or astroturf. We've got plenty of leaves we could share with Kate too!
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