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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. A beautiful girl who left way too early. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free, Brin.
  2. It's most likely the food. Try a different type of protein for the next food. In the meantime, you can try plain yogurt with the food, or a probiotic as Irene said above. Be sure to only make one change at a time so you know what works and what doesn't. I believe that Costco will take food back if it doesn't work for the dog, so you don't have to make him eat the whole bag before switching. Also, some treats are also the cause of nasty gas, so pay attention to what treats the dog is getting, and if it continues, change the treats. Again, one change at a time or you will never know what works and what doesn't.
  3. Most of these hounds don't miss anything that goes on in the kitchen. You should be able to train the counter surfing out of them (mostly) and will have to be careful about what you leave out, especially if it smells good to them. There have been a few dogs on here over the years who knew how to break into the pantry, open the freezer and get something etc. Painful experiences for the owners, pure entertainment for the rest of us! Bonus points if you take a picture of the offender and the offense and post it!
  4. The first time that I took Rocket to a real groomer for a bath instead of doing it myself, I stayed with him and quickly realized that he was getting too relaxed. The groomer adjusted the temp and all was fine, but if I hadn't stayed with him and realized what was happening, she may have had a big pile of greyhound to get out of the sink the hard way. Glad your hound recovered well.
  5. Very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. She was far too young. Run pain-free, Buffy.
  6. Over the 9 or so years that I've been on GT there have been some tragic stories and some close calls regarding greyhounds with pools. There have also been hounds that love to swim. I think a pool fence is a must-have if you are in a situation where you can't be out in the yard with them every minute of every time they go out. Even if they love the water, an unexpected fall into the pool can cause a dog to panic and drown, much like a human. if not a fence, then there needs to be a barrier of some kind that contains the dogs to an area away from the pool when they are turned out. There are some retractable pool barriers made that are a mesh type or sunbrella fabric. They can be pulled into place when needed, and retracted to open up the area. Being in AZ, we typically hear a news story at least once every 2-3 weeks of a child drowning who got into a pool unattended. Open pools are a problem.
  7. Rocket has stress colitis, so food changes can be a nightmare. He did beautifully on Purina Focus Large Breed with no issues almost immediate improvement. He ate green bag years ago before it ran it's course with his tummy, and we need to select a new food about every 18 months-2 years simply because he gets to a point where his tummy no longer tolerates what he;s eating. Someone else on GT has a hound with stress colitis and posted about their success with this food, and that's why I tried it. He's been eating it for about 6 months now and it has been one of the best foods for him that we've fed. Locally you can find it at PetSmart. I order it from both Amazon and Chewy.com depending on who has the best price each time. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B002OY0QDQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. Absolutely loved your tribute and Ziggy's story. i'm so sorry that he had to leave. Run pain-free, Ziggy.
  9. You can probably add Rocket to the list here. I'm noticing it a little more frequently and am leaning toward it being allergies. He has always done that little bit of a gag since the day we got him, and there is no rhyme or reason. It comes and goes. I notice it with him in the morning first thing, and occasionally in the evening after he has been outside, again making me think it's allergies. He is due for a vet appointment in the next couple of weeks, so we will be bringing this up. AZ is dusty, dirty and full of all kinds of pollen year-round, as well as right now there are residual smoke particles in the atmosphere from all of the wildfires north of us. He has also been sneezing a little more frequently.
  10. The drawing on the memory box looks just like every picture of Taylor, Miss that boy!
  11. I'd suggest adding one or two of those cooling wraps or bandanas that you can wet and place around a dog's neck to help with evaporative cooling. Combined with a cold pack or two you can help cool down an overheated dog pretty effectively. I have soaked towels in cold water previously and had Rocket lay on one, with another draped over him to help cool him down when he overheated on a walk. It happened so fast that I was glad that i realized what was going on and headed home before it got worse. I just kept changing out the towels for cold ones as they got warm. We now have a couple of those neck wraps in his travel bag and will put one on him if we are out for a long period or at an outdoor event.
  12. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Run-free, Daisy.
  13. I think he's just excited that someone is home. He knows the garage door means that someone is there. Doesn't sound like a big deal or SA.
  14. Could be anything from a flu to dehydration. He is most likely dehydrated after the vomiting and diarrhea anyway. To check for dehydration: You may be able to detect dehydration at home by gently lifting the skin on the back of your dog's neck or between the shoulder blades-unless your dog is seriously overweight or very thin, it should immediately return to a normal position. If he is lacking in fluids, the lifted skin may not quickly return to normal. if dehydrated I would get him to the vet sooner rather than later. He may need IV fluids under the skin to be rehydrated.
  15. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Flower.
  16. Tastes like chicken..... https://www.amazon.com/Virbac-C-T-Poultry-Toothpaste/dp/B004ULYZ5Q
  17. Cat / rabbit / insert animal name here poop ?
  18. I'm so sorry that your sweet girl had to leave. It was way too soon. Run pain-free Beatrix.
  19. Rocket actually gets 3 meals a day of 1 cup each. We went to smaller meals due to his tummy issues. He was waking up almost every morning at 5 AM or so with tummy squeals and often had bile coming up from an empty stomach. Since switching to 3 meals a day, we rarely have any stomach issues with him. He eats breakfast at 7 AM, dinner sometime between 4-5 PM and his bedtime meal at 9 PM. He also gets a little bit of kibble (1/4 cup) and his Springtime Supplements in a dispenser toy mid-day.
  20. Drontal Plus while expensive, has always been the "big guns" when you need them. It was well worth the price the time we needed it.
  21. Sending lots of good vibes Wendy's way. Glad to see that the fever started coming down.
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