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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I think they would be fine if you ran cool water over them to thaw the ice quickly without completely defrosting the feet. They will then break apart before being completely thawed. Then you could package them in more manageable quantities and re-freeze without an issue.
  2. It's probably bile from having an empty stomach or having an acidic tummy from stress. Make sure he's not dehydrated by pulling the skin up on the back of his neck and see if it goes back flat. If it stays up, he's dehydrated. You might start him off slow if he's still not eating by getting him to drink some water with chicken broth in it, or just a splash of Gatorade if he has a sweet tooth, but only a splash, more is not necessarily better. He may need to be enticed to eat with something yummy like some scrambled eggs or cottage cheese. If he still won't eat, then either a vet visit or one more attempt with a bland diet of boiled chicken and overcooked rice or overcooked pasta. Small quantities to start. Sometimes they will take food if you hand feed them vs putting it in the bowl. Normally once you get a little something in the stomach, they will then begin to eat shortly after that. Some people will give a regular Pepcid for an upset stomach, but I would refer to your vet before doing so in case he wants you to use something else. Good luck. Sorry for the delayed response. I just saw now saw this. Good luck.
  3. From Today's News Gazette in Champaign, IL. http://www.news-gazette.com/living/2017-08-27/pet-talk-ui-researchers-look-new-ways-battle-cancer.html
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free, Higgins.
  5. There is virtually no control of the dog with them. The dog controls you. They are also too easy to get tangled in, trip over, or even break apart when used. A leash or leash/harness should allow you to have full control of your dog at all times, and these are just a big tether allowing the dog to run in a big circle with little to no control.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free Wendy.
  7. Rocket's coat does the same thing with little white tufts that you can just pull out in tiny clumps. The furminator takes care of them. Don't think it's anything to worry about, as we saw something similar happen on him a few years ago when we lived in IL. I'm guessing that hot weather might be speeding up the shedding process, but that's just a guess.
  8. Paddy's Get Well Card and his Christmas card greet me on the refrigerator every morning. Happy Birthday, buddy. You left a lasting impression here.
  9. Poor Conner..... (Dr Rocket says Conner needs lots of vanilla ice cream to help the pain) Feel better soon, buddy.
  10. Sounds like play but, you need to correct the behavior before your child is injured accidentally, and your dog ends up labeled as a biter or vicious. There is no harm in muzzling until the behavior is corrected so that the teeth can't make contact. There are some good trainers on this site who I'm sure will be along and give you the best options for correcting the behavior. A 2 year old greyhound still has a whole lot of puppy energy and needs to be worn out with play, walks, etc each day.
  11. Condolences to her family and friends.
  12. Not unusual in the heat at all. 5 cups a day sounds like a lot of food. You might double check the suggested feeding amount on the package for the food you are using. No use in wasting kibble - it's pricey. Rocket came to us at 75 or so lbs and at 12 is now at 85 lbs. He has never eaten more than 3 cups a day of any food we were feeding, plus treats.
  13. FDA has an initiative to reduce the use of antibiotics and has made many items that were previously available for agricultural use require a prescription. The rule went into effect this year. I ordered a year supply last December from Amazon before the Rx became required.
  14. It's going to depend on the dog. My boy doesn't like tight spaces like that and wouldn't even walk in there. Hounds will potty pretty much anywhere if you let them. You might try putting a traffic cone back there as a target if you have a male. Many of the tracks and farms use traffic cones in the turnout are to give them something to lift a leg on. As far as smell, it is usually inevitable that you will get some smell in damp weather after a while, but it can be minimized. I use a Simple Green product to reduce and neutralize the odor that comes from under our artificial turf. There is a type of soft mulch called Hog Fuel that has less splinters than playground mulch. Some people here have it blown into their turnout area.
  15. Has she been checked for worms / parasites? They will cause horrendous breath and should be checked if the cause doesn't appear to be related to dental reasons.
  16. I am so sorry to see this. We are losing way too many of our GT kids. Run-free, sweet Celeste. You will be missed.
  17. Rocket will only eat from a metal (stainless steel) bowl. I guess that's what they had in the kennel.
  18. I keep some canned chicken on hand for this exact thing. Rocket gets gurgles and will not want to eat. Evanger's Canned Organic Chicken (it's dog food) gets him to eat, and he will go ahead and eat his regular meal at the next feeding. Most of the better pet stores seem to carry Evangers and sell individual cans. I always have a case on hand since the gurgles tend to happen a lot. The nice thing is that there is nothing in this except chicken. I use it in place of cooking a chicken for a bland diet when needed.
  19. There is no harm in returning him. He's not working out and your cat is at risk, which also puts the dog at risk of being incorrectly labeled as vicious if there's an incident where a human gets bitten in the fray. . Sounds like there may be some issues with this group that unfortunately caused your bad experience. Most groups that I know will put a dog on medical hold for hookworm and keep them in foster until it's clear. Parasites in dogs coming off the track is not unusual and just has to be dealt with. It is possible that they got a clean fecal and assumed he was clean. A clean fecal only means that specific stool was clean and is only a guide. It;s not unusual to get a clean test and still have hookworms. Hooks can take quite a while and multiple treatments to get rid of. I hope you are able to find a hound that works for your household. These retired racers are fantastic, and you just need the right match for your household. Good luck.
  20. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Clifford.
  21. There are as many opinions as there are options. If the teeth aren't in the greatest shape, you may want to ask your vet if she can handle something like CET dental chews. Rawhide is definitely out as it causes lots of stomach issues and other problems. You will get some other options from people here, but bones can and do splinter. That being said, I used to give Rocket bones that I had cut at the butcher shop. Others here give them, while still others say they are bad. I understand why you are confused. It comes down to what your dog can handle based on his teeth and dental health. Also, no smoked, cooked or dried bones as these DO splinter and will cause injury. I now give him bully sticks instead of bones because they agree with his stomach better, but only give certain brands and sizes to that they don't splinter. Raw chicken necks or turkey necks are also a great option for tooth cleaning. On a day when you feed these, you need to cut back on food and use the neck as part of the total food amount for the day. Unfortunately, Rocket's sensitive stomach doesn't handle these well. Regardless which item you use, it is imperative that you monitor the hound the entire time. You can;t go off and run the vacuum since you won't be able to hear if the dog is choking. They can and do sometimes bite off bigger pieces than will go down, so it is imperative to monitor the dog the entire time. No running to the garage for something or being out of view in case the dog can't make noise to indicate there's a problem. Also, make sure that you learn Doggy CPR. There are YouTube videos that will show how to do it. Chewing is part of good dental health for your dog and can be done safely, so don't let the above scare you. You just have to be vigilant.
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