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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Batman.
  2. Wow - that second picture with Aiden says it all. I'm so sorry that they both had only a short stay. I loved Bruno's "bucket list" post, and that Aiden stepped right in where Bosco left off. There's truly something magical about Camp Greyhound. Run-free Bruno.
  3. Honestly, it was so long ago I don't recall if the stool guard was in it or not. I'm thinking that it wasn't. I have stool guards for the muzzles but as far as I can remember have never used them. Didn't need to tape it - we mostly used it overnight since he would lick at the wounds during the night when we were sleeping. I was able to keep an eye on him the rest of the time.
  4. We used a muzzle when Rocket had some small abrasions that he kept licking. He wasn't happy about it, but the muzzle worked better than a cone and allowed him to sleep.
  5. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Run-free, Lady.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss, Bill. Run free, Tucker.
  7. We've had posts like this before and it all depends on where you live and what the local vet market is like. Rocket's last dental in 12/15 was tied in with a surgery to remove a benign mass under his skin and the whole thing was only $400 or so plus the cost of labs beforehand. He needed no extractions.
  8. These hounds don't do well alone behind closed doors, so do not put him in the laundry room. Best bet is to bring him in the bedroom with you on his dog bed so he can let you know when he needs out. It is most likely some anxiety from being boarded. Most vets don't have anyone on site at night, so he may have had some anxiety about that if that was the case.
  9. A friend had a hound that would literally shake for a month and had to be medicated after hearing fireworks. Worst case ever. Any little noise after that would set him off. Couple of days is not unusual.
  10. Chez Rocket doesn't require a certificate. The boss can be bought off with Milk Bones.
  11. I know Conner would rather have a Driver's License than a Dog License. That way he could go get food whenever he wanted. I have much the same question about the various vaccines for Rocket's next Vet appointment since he turned 12. He is also due for several shots next month. Arizona doesn't seem to have an exemption for sick dogs in the state laws that I've found, so it looks like there is no process to obtain or renew a license with a letter from the vet. The only thing I can find is a statement that no license will be issued without the rabies cert. Still looking, so if I find something I will send it on to you. Maybe they will have to become residents of a different state to get their license. Edited to add: It looks like the worst that would happen if he is thought to be exposed to rabies would be a home quarantine for 45 days unless Maricopa County / City of Phoenix has a more restrictive policy that state law. Took this from the State Rabies Manual: If the exposed dog/cat has is overdue for a booster vaccination but has appropriate documentation the animal has a previous history of vaccination: 1. Notify local animal control. 2. Immediately take the dog/cat to a veterinarian for medical evaluation and booster vaccination. 3. Owner needs to provide veterinarian with appropriate documentation that show the animal has been previously vaccination with a USDA-licensed rabies vaccine (See Part I B.5 of Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2016). 4. Confine the dog or cat under the owner’s control and observe closely for 45 days. The animal should be kept in a building, pen, or escape proof enclosure. The animal should only be removed from confinement on a leash and under supervision of a responsible adult (Some town or county ordinances may be more restrictive than state law and not allow home quarantine).
  12. Mooshies - the other white meat. Rocket loves those little Hawaiian Rolls. I could put anything in those and he would scarf it down. I had to use them to get liquid panacur in him once. I injected the roll with the dose of liquid, a dollop of squirty cheese on top, and down it went. He came to the kitchen want his "cheese sandwich" every day for two week after the initial 3 day dosage was done.
  13. Time4ANap


    We have all loved "the little white monster" through your pictures since the day we met her. Run-free, Cara.
  14. Run pain-free, Joe. We will miss seeing you on the beach. Love you, buddy.
  15. We've been using Springtime products for Rocket for many years. A combination of Fresh Factors and Joint Health chewables. He has a sensitive stomach, and we found that their Advanced Hip and joint supplement actually upset his stomach, so we went back to the joint Health Chewables. He has done well on them.
  16. I wouldn't be too worried yet. You will find that poop and poop habits are regular topics here. You're just part of the cult club.
  17. If she's acting normal it's probably fine. Sometimes an extra walk will get things moving. When did she go last?
  18. Congratulations Tanzi (and Mary Pat! )
  19. Nope. There have been times where we've put it off for 2 weeks due to not wanting to add to an existing stomach issue. Never had an issue when we've delayed giving it.
  20. Rocket wants to know why he gets crappy Kroger Canned Green Beans instead of those pretty organic ones. Thanks for posting this.
  21. Any chance of a bee sting or bites from something like fire ants? Just thinking about things that wouldn't be visible unless you saw them actually happen.
  22. I'm so sorry your sweet Joey had to leave. Run free, Joey.
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