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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Welcome home Daisy! Rocket wants to know if you got the message he left near the statue when he was "Standing On The Corner In Winslow Arizona."
  2. Check the bag of food you are feeding. There will be instructions by weight. For 2 feedings you simply splitthe amount in half for each meal. As the calories are different for each brand, there is no hard and fast rule. Use the feeding instructions as a starting point and adjust as needed if you see him getting pudgy or if he is constantly hungry, depending on the food you are feeding. Our boy is 85 lbs and eats about 3 cups a day plus some add-ins and snacks. I have had to tweak that amount any time that I change brands of food. Congratulations on your new boy.
  3. As someone with a hound who has bitten twice, it's a very heart wrenching time. In our case, I knew that Rocket was startled from sleep each time. One of the people he bit was me, and I was ready to get him out of the house. It took a day or two for me to calm down about it and realize that he bit me because he was in fact, startled from sleep. Is it possible your dog was sleeping on your husband and was startled? (Not trying to have you find an excuse, but take a realistic look at what really happened.) The second time that he bit someone, it was a woman who cleaned for us and had also been his dogsitter on several occasions. She knew as soon as she reached toward him that she made a mistake and startled him from sleep. His eyes were open but he was sound asleep when she touched him and he defended himself. In that case, Animal Control showed up because she had to have stitches. He worked his charm on the AC Officer, and she completely understood what happened. We had to home quarantine him for 2 weeks - no walks, no outings in public, period. If we had walked and she saw him, she would have confiscated him on the spot. We adhered to the quarantine completely. Hopefully you are able to make the best decision for your household and the hound. Good luck. There is no shame in returning a hound to a group if the situation can't be worked out. It is better for your family and the hound if that's the decision that you come to, even though it is one of that hardest decisions you will ever make in your life. .
  4. If you have a Home Depot or Lowe's nearby, check their dog policy. Most are dog friendly but final discretion on the dog rule is up to the store manager. Not sure if Rural King has stores that far north, but they are also very welcoming and big enough to get a decent walk in.
  5. As above, test for worms, and even if negative I would ask the vet about doing 2 rounds of Panacur or other deworming product. Panacur should not hurt his sensitive stomach. (2 Rounds = Give it 3 days in a row, wait for the period of time the vet advises and then do another 3 days of Panacur.) It is not unusual to have a negative test for worms or parasites. It just means there weren't any in that particular stool sample. It doesn't mean that the dog is negative for worms overall. Rocket has a sensitive tummy and things like Salmon, Sweet Potato, pumpkin etc make it much worse. He has done well on Turkey and Potato (Rachael Ray Grain Free) and in the past has also done well on Precise Foundation Chicken Meal and Rice. Precise also makes a lamb based food for Sensitive stomachs that is pretty good called Precise Sensicare. It's strictly a matter of finding what works for your hound, and just because something says it;s for a sensitive tummy doesn't mean it's the answer for your hound. Good luck - it takes a little while to get it all figured out and find what works.
  6. Hang in there Payton. Dr. Rocket prescribes lot of vanilla ice cream when you get home.
  7. An air tight storage container might be all you need if you keep it in the original bag. Drop the whole bag into the container and seal. Most kibble has a long shelf life according to the Sell By or Use By date on the bag. While opening it will decrease the shelf life a little, keeping it in a cool location in an airtight container may be better than freezing. Freezing may crystallize any moisture content in the kibble and change the flavor - almost like freezer burn. A 5 gallon storage bucket with a Gamma Seal Lid would work for small bags, or an air tight kibble container that you can store several bags in might be an option as well. Be sure to re-seal the bags before storing. Amazon links used for convenience - there are better prices out there.
  8. Poor boy! Glad he's going to be fine. Rocket's only known litter mate went to the bridge from Osteo at a very young age. I know how your mind goes there every time there's a limp or stumble.
  9. I always loved seeing how blissed out Murray was on the beach. I'm sure he's laying on a sunny beach at the bridge with all the stinky fish he can eat. Miss you buddy.
  10. Congratulations! Give him a little time to adjust. Remember, everything he is doing or expected to do is new to him. Others who are more into training will chime in with tips, but just remember that as much of an adjustment as it is for you, it much more of an adjustment for him. You'll be surprised how well he settles in once he knows the routine and what is expected of him. His paws will toughen up as he is walked, but you can try some paw wax or Mushers Secret on the pads to help protect them. Good luck and Welcome Home Dallas!
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Those Gable Dodge kids know about picking their families. Rocket leaned on me for over 3 hours at a M&G and wouldn't go see anyone else who wanted to meet him. Run free, Diego.
  12. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. Run free, Noelle.
  13. If the lesser dose works for her, I would stick with that. We used it for years off and on for Rocket's stress colitis until we got to the point of needing a daily drug. When we got to that point, the vet prescribed Tylan up to 3 times a day since Metronidazole has some undesirable side effects long term. According to our vet at the time Tylan is also not without some potential side effects, but less so than the Metronidazole. Also, if you do go with Tylan eventually, be aware that the law is changing on it and it will require a prescription from a Vet. So far I have still been able to buy it online without a prescription, but have now seen 2 DEA bulletins posted online indicating that this is changing.
  14. I don't allow any other dog contact with Rocket. We've had broken skin when other dogs (very small dogs, in fact) jumped on his leg and broke his skin with their nails.
  15. Salt should never be used on concrete due to the damage it does to the concrete surface. Ice melter (usually white, pink or blue pellets depending on the brand) will do much less damage than salt, although the freeze/thaw cycle can still cause some pitting to the surface, I used regular ice melt for years when we lived in IL and never had an issue with paws walking through it. I normally bought the store brand from Ace Hardware unless the pet safe bag was on sale and sometimes cheaper. Using some paw protection like Musher Secret or Paw Wax will help minimize any paw irritation from Winter weather. If it was slushy or I felt the streets were too salty i would just use baby wipes on his paws when we came back in. Rocket would never wear boots no matter how cold it was, and only once when it was about minus 15 with a minus 40 windchill did he complain about his paws burning and cut a walk short.
  16. Congratulations! She looks like trouble. The good kind.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free, Leia.
  18. He may do just fine without the crate, but the best route would be to try a little at a time. If he was behind a closed door when you tired leaving him out, that often doesn't go well with greyhounds. Others here can probably give you better tips for phasing in run of the house. We went from crating to just leaving Rocket out all the time with no adjustment period needed. He has never bothered anything and if we are only gone for a few hours, we often find him sleeping right where we left him. We did leave his crate open so he could go in if he wanted to, but usually found him in it only if there was a sunbeam involved. Good luck.
  19. Start with a half can and adjust from there as needed. I usually buy the "Ends and Pieces" which gives you a full can of green beans instead of some whole beans and a bunch of water.
  20. I'm sorry you are going through this. Not sure that any of us can answer for sure, but if you have an option for him to not be alone while you are gone or at work, it seems to be time to put that option in place. Like you, I'd be afraid of further injury if no one is with him. I hope you have lots more time with your boy. Please give him some ear rubs from me.
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