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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Your dog was being a dog. It doesn't make it easier, but you shouldn't feel guilty that some other person neglected their own dog's safety. We've had dogs that wouldn't hurt a flea, but when a rabbit or other small animal ran in front of them, instinct kicked in. That's not really something you can train out of him, nor should you. Your dog has already forgotten the incident. Don't beat yourself up about things that you have no control over.
  2. That picture says it all. The laughs he brought you do come back eventually. It takes a while, especially with those big, goofy brindle boys.
  3. That sounds like a broodie trick. Is Su a broodie by chance?
  4. How is Aiden this morning? (It's still morning here, anyway.)
  5. Oh how I love Gable Dodge / Dedgem hounds! She is gorgeous. Congratulations! @macoduck If I didn't know better I would think that we are being called enablers...
  6. Sweep must be talking to Petunia on the 'net to know about Let's Make A Deal at dinner time. We have 5 kinds of canned food here now after our adventure trying to put some weight on Ms. Starz. Petunia has been playing Let's Make A Deal but our version also includes cottage cheese - 4% - none of the 2% crap. Aiden, buddy, take all the time you need to recuperate. Hope you're feeling better soon. You are going to feel so much better now that your mouth is healthy. Good job, Annie.
  7. I'm so sorry. Run-free, handome Paddy.
  8. Poor guy. Once he sleeps it off he will be ready to chow down. Hang in there Aiden (and Mom)
  9. Just now seeing this. I'm glad that all went well. Let us know how he's doing. If he asks about Buffalo Chicken smellling different, you can tell him that's just from the anesthesia.
  10. Rocket loved to meet everyone on our walks. He was also a big boy and I'm sure that even with his tail wagging there were people walking toward us who were intimidated by his size. Anytime someone would be coming toward us, I would tell him to "WAIT" and put him on the grass if there was any available, basically standing against me on a tight leash so that the walkway was clear for the person. People couldn;t believe that he would just stand there and wait, and many of them would stop and pet him when they realized that he was well behaved. I would try to teach him to wait and see if that helps on your walks.
  11. Checking in on Sweep. Hope all goes well with this treatment.
  12. Petunia wants to remind everyone that anytime is a good time for french fries! If you didn't get have some fries yesterday, it's okay to celebrate when you can. Keep positng those fry pics. Thanks to @racindogfor keeping this tradition going. Rocket would be so happy that his love of french fries is carrying on a tradition.
  13. Since the minivan should be much easier for him to get in and out of I would do a lot of traiing around that once you have the van. There may still be some fear there related to the height of jumping out of the SUV. The only time we ever faced anything like this was when Rocket would get in the car in advance of a trip because he realized that we were going somewhere and he was not about to miss the trip. He would sit in the car for hours while I loaded it or got the car ready for the trip. I never had him refuse to get out once we arrived at home or at our destination though. Hopefully one of the people here who are more ivolved with training cangive some suggestions. Good luck. Keep us posted as to how it goes.
  14. Keep a check on his feet for corns or other weirness as someone above said. Petunia loves to walk, but will just stop mid-way and refuse to go any further. It took us months of thinking it was a behavioral issue when an extra nail popped through her paw pad. There is a name for this but it escapes me at the moment. She was walking as far as she could, but when the pain from that hidden nail under her pad got to be too much she would just stop. It's kind of a pain to do, but you might also try leashing him to your belt in the house so that he is connected to you for a few hours a day and gets used to a leash being there. Hopefully that will make the leash less of a big deal when you put it on him. If you have any other friends with greyhounds, a group walk a few times per week may also reduce his anxiety. Sometimes these guys just need to see another hound having no issues with something to make it okay.
  15. We have a similar issue with storms where it takes about an hour for Xanax to work for Petunia. To avoid medicating her when it's not necessary, I purchased a phone app called Lightning Pro for $2.99. The app lets me setup a radious around me on a map and if there is a lightning strike within that circle, the app alerts me with a unique sound. I can then check the radar to look at the storm and see if it;s coming toward us, how fast, etc and decide if it;s prudent to give er the Xanax. As a result, we rarely end up giving her one when she doesn't need it. The only time that strategy doesn't work is if the storm happens to pop up right around us which has only happened once. We also give her a calming treat (Vetriscience Composure) if it looks like there's a chance of storms. That takes the edge off for her without making her groggy and still allows us to give Xanax if needed. I hate to over medicate and then the storm comes nowhere near us. This strategy has worked well for us for the past 2 years or so. Kete was absolutely inconsolable when there was a storm also. Since they came off of the same farm, I have a feeling they went through a bad tornado or other storm, because thunder and fireworks are really the only noises that bothered either of them. Good luck!
  16. Snickers is here visiting so she and Petunia started celebrating early. Thanks, Aunt Carol!
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