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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Rocket was very bright red with very pronounced striping when he came off the track and we adopted him. At one of his first vet visits, there was a little boy in the waiting room and it may be one of my favorite moments of all time when he asked, "May I pet your tiger?" Yes, of course you can....
  2. Dr. Sweep.... Thank you for the info. Petunia's care will probably be taken over by our regular vet once she gets into the office tomorrow and reads all about this, as well as for suture removal in a couple of weeks. I will ask her about this. Like you, we've been told that nothing gets put on the stiches for now. We are also going to see about getting some cold laser treatments and maybe some chiro or accupuncture to help Petunia to feel a little less beaten up. I know she's really sore.
  3. Aiden, buddy, it's not possible that you are 12. I'm pretty sure that you and Mr. Mayhem just arrived at CG like a week ago. No matter how long it has been, Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day. All of us love you very much. Enjoy the spoiling. You Mom is really good at spoiling hounds. ( Just ask Petunia) Petunia's Daddyman
  4. Yes - this is important. Sadie was being a dog and did a dog thing. As mad as I am that it happened, I am only mad at "the incident" and not at Sadie. I know if we ever see her again she will be all wiggles and cuddles with us and will have no idea that anything was wrong. We really want her to find a great home.
  5. Sadie Rose had to be returned to the adoption group after she made an unprovoked attack on Petunia this morning. Without going into too many details, I heard Petunia scream from the next room and found Sadie Rose making a full-on attack on Petunia. Petunia has a large hole in the skin of her cheek and a similar hole in the skin of her shoulder. Fortunately I was able to get her off of Petunia before it became a total bloodbath. Petunia is currently at the E-Vet being sedated and having her wounds cleaned and stitched up. She is doing okay and surprisingly jumped right into the car to go to the E-Vet, and walked without hesitation into the building with the Vet Tech. The Vet says they are all in love with her. I just wanted to let everyone know that Sadie Rose did not work out, and hopefully will find a great home where she is a happy only-dog. Turning her over to the group brought tears to my eyes, but we need to do so for Petunia's protection. UPDATE - 6:25 PM AZ Time Petunia is home from the E-Vet and is heavily sedated. The wounds were a little deep and even though she was there within 90 minutes, pockets had started to form in the wound. She was sedated, wounds cleaned and she was stitched up. The E-Vet did a fantastic job. She is pretty much asleep with her eyes barely open, but I asked if she was a Daddy's Girl and those eyes popped wide open to see me next to her. She has had a very rough day including the attack, shiny floors at the E-Vet and a rough ride home when the bed she was on slid while going around a turn. Hopefully she will feel a little better each day now. UPDATE - Saturday Morning Thank you all for the kind words and get well wishes for Petunia. She has no idea how many friends she has all over the world. Petunia had a fairly good night and is staring at me waiting for more of the delicious canned chicken that she loves, so that's a good sign. She was really out of it last night from the anesthesia and started to move around at about 10PM in a very wobbly state. That got better in the ensuing hours, and we were up at midnight, 2AM, 4AM and 6AM with her being better each time, and eating a little portion of canned chicken and a few treats each time. She is already on her way back to "stubborn broodie mode" as she has stopped letting us put the warm compresses on her injuries like the vet ordered. I can see there's going to be a lot of bribery going on to get her to comply. Thanks again everyone! The worst is over and now the healing starts. UPDATE - Sunday Afternoon An update as requested. Petunia had a very good day yesterday and slept pretty well last night. She was up a few times during the night but I think she was just trying to get comfortable between sleeps. This morning we found a small soaked-in blood stain on one of the beds and found the lower portion of the face wound leaking a little blood. Nothing bad, but we sent some pics to the E-Vet and they had Petunia come by to be checked. They had her inside for about 5 minutes and said she is doing great. The stitches were fine and this was just a little leakage which they had warned me about. The wound location has sort of a skin flap that looked weird and we wanted to be sure that no stitches had come loose. All stitches were nice and tight so they sent us on our way. The E-Vet has been fantastic to deal with. She is napping the day away today and I think Daddy is going to join her. She is largely back to her old self with the exception being that she doesn't have much of an appetite today. That may be due to the medications so she can have a meal whenever she wants to eat. No set meal times today. At this point Chris and I are both kind of punchy and almost everything is funny. We have been sleep deprived all week because DW's Dad was rushed to the ER on Tuesday, admitted to the hospital and had a triple bypass on Friday. Petunia's attack took place about an hour into her Dad's surgery. Before that, I had 2 surgical procedures in 5 days and we had to get up at 3:30 AM for the surgery that I had on Monday. We've both been up multiple times each night checking on Petunia. I think we are both running on about 10 hours of sleep for the entire week. I just want to sleep. Petunia says thank you to everyone for all of the good wishes and for checking up on her. UPDATE - Wednesday 4/28 Petunia wants her friends to know that she is doing great and that she has learned the art of milking this for all it's worth. Our Vet came to the house this morning and checked Petunia's wounds to make sure they are healing well. There are still a few that need to drain a little more so we will be doing more warm compresses to help with that. One of them opened up yesterday and soaked 2 large surgical pads before it stopped, but that's what it needs to heal properly. While the Vet was here, Petunia had a cold laser treatment to help all of her joints and back since she was kind of stiff from the attack and all of the associated handling at the E-Vet. Then she had a blue laser treatment of the wounds to help them heal a little faster. By the time that the Vet left, Petunia was feeling much better. Stitches come out on 5/6 so she is looking forward to that. She has also learned that she really likes canned food and now turns her nose up at her regular food. We are giving her the benefit of the doubt since one of the wounds is on her jaw line and it likely hurts to chew. At least that's what she's telling us. Petunia - working the system. That's my girl. FINAL PETUNIA UPDATE - Friday 5/7 Petunia has recovered well from her wounds and had her stitches out yesterday. The wounds look good and she says that her scars make her look badass, so other dogs will think twice about messing with her. We changed up her diet a bit to include some canned food that she loves, and she has actually dropped a little weight and has become more active. She looks "buff." We still aren't sure if she is going to be happy as an only-dog, so we will see how that goes over the next few weeks. We have become aware of an older hound who needs a new home, but the decision will be Petunia's. Petunia would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and the get well presents. She says she's ready for a beer and some fries. Broodies.... Sadie Rose is back with the adoption group and doing well. She will be placed as an only-dog. She has some special needs, so they will work to find her just the right couch.
  6. That's awesome, Mary Pat. I feel like there should be a medal if you do the Trifecta!
  7. Poor Len has been through enough. I hope a new knee means that he might be able to join you at the vending site for a little while.
  8. Looking forward to seeing you! It feels like it's been forever.
  9. GRTB Home Page We are planning to go to Dewey this year if the COVID numbers are going in the right direction and the stars align. I just looked and due to the current rental car shortage nationwide, rental cars are pricing out from roughly 600-over 1000 dollars per week. I expect that to change continually until we go, but it's something to be aware of if you are flying in and need a rental. Before I pay that for a rental I would fly in, buy a new car and drive it home to AZ afterward. If prices are still like that, I will most likely borrow a car from one of my brothers who live in MD So - who is going? I'm ready to sit on the beach at Camp Cocktail! We are all way overdue!
  10. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Run-free, Cosmo.
  11. Guess who had her first French Fry tonight at Camp Broodie?
  12. Let me run that by DW. Also - Sadie got up a few hours ago and re-nested a pile next to my side of the bed. 3 hours later she is still laying there sound asleep. From my days as a Volunteer Paramedic I have a habit of putting my clothes on the floor in the order that I put them on in case I have to get dressed quickly during the night. It's an old habit that never went away from having 3 minutes to get the Ambulance on the road and responding from home to the firehouse. . She thinks they should go in the hamper at bedtime. One night we were in a hotel when the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night and they announced an evacuation. I was one of the only ones fully dressed for cold weather. There lots of people wearing coats and not much else for cold weather.
  13. We've been through lots of tummy issues over the years. The thing that none of our hounds have turned down is Evanger's Organic Cooked Chicken. It's canned food and we would often use it when Rocket's stress colitis or the 4AM tummy squeals started up. We also used it with the most recent 3 hounds due to hookworms and the tummy issues that come with them. It is just chicken - nothing else but is the consistency of dog food and digests easier than pulled or rotisserie chicken.. It is not a complete meal, but we use it when we need to feed a bland diet or take a few spoonfuls and smear it through the kibble in the dish to get the flavor of the food on the kibble. It has gone up in price recently like most things, but we always keep a case on hand for tummy issues. The other thing that seems to often work is cottage cheese. Again, mix it through the kibble so they can't pick it off the top. Good luck!
  14. Exactly... She is a big time nester. She has made a nest out of the toys from the toy box and steps over a perfectly good dog bed to plonk down in the toy nest. She's also made a nest of soft blankets next to the slumber ball in our bedroom. She spends the night changing from the blanket nest to the slumber ball, and just tonight I found her laying in the clothes that I took off before bed. Petunia is not going to be happy about that, because she nests in my dirty clothes during storms or when she needs to be be near Daddy.
  15. Roaching started on the second night. She's all about airing out her parts.
  16. Sadie Rose Day 2 Activities: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz And first Milk Bone - Whot?! Did you think I only sleep? Nail trim will be later this weekend - giving her a day or two to settle in.
  17. She got a wipe down with a wash cloth yesterday but can't have a bath yet since she has a couple of staples in an injury. Apparently she got into a tussle with another hound at the adoption group's kennel in the day and a half she was there and needed to have staples. Oddly, Petunia also arrived with staples from a similar incident at the group kennel. Gang initiations there must be tough. As far as her color, she is considered white with ticking, but in reality is more a combination of fawn, off white and gray with maybe even a little blue in there. Just a few small ticking areas. I think she's going to appear to be a different color as her farm coat blows out and as seasons change her coat.
  18. Yes! All good except for a few minutes last night when Petunia came to me and gave me the "Dad - get her the hell out of my bed look." She went right to bed last night and let me know at about 5 AM that she needed to go out. Can't ask for more than that from a new girl just off the farm. I will predict right now that there may be just a little bit of mayhem in this one.
  19. She turns 9 next month. Her grandfather is Dodgem By Design and I see a lot of Rocket in this girl. Dodgem was his daddy.
  20. There is a spot on her nose and a few little ticking spots near her ears. Probably a few others that we can't see because what we think is her off-white color is probably Oklahoma Racing Farm Dirt.
  21. Sadie Rose. (Racing Name: Paul Walker) With the recent passing of Kate, we knew that Petunia would need a new roommate here at Camp Broodie to keep her company. That was how Kate originally ended up here, and we knew that Petunia was just not the same when she is an only-hound. We put the word out shortly after Kate left us, and found Sadie Rose who arrived at Camp Broodie this afternoon. To answer the burning question - YES - She is a broodie! She arrived with the name Paula from the adoption group but doesn't answer to it or any other name. We figured it's a good time to give her a new name, so "Sadie Rose" it is - aka Sadie. Sadie arrived and immediately started schmoozing with Petunia and also with Snickers who is visiting today. She then proceeded to work the humans for pets and snuggles within about 10 minutes of arriving. This girl knows how to get her adoption papers signed. So - I guess one or two of you want pictures. On arrival at the group's drop point. When she lost her ears In conference with Petunia Getting some rubs Checking out the slumber ball and snuggling with Mom And hanging out when she first got in the house She is now sound asleep on the slumber ball and catching up on her naps. Watch for more pics in a day or two once she is a little more settled. (Like she can get more settled.)
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