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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'd say have a thorough vet check first. This will confirm whether or not he has a vision problem and my first thought goes to some kind of imbalance like thyroid or maybe something else. There are others here who have dealt with thyroid and other issues that resulted in strange behavior, so hopefully they can suggest which things to have checked. We had a fanstastic boy who had sleep startle and space issues, so I know the frustration you are feeling. We learned how to work around those things but you definitely want to find or rule out a medical issue as a first step. Good luck!
  2. That's way too much loss in a short timeframe. I'm so sorry. Run-free, Jill.
  3. So glad to see this update. I feel like I'm waiting to hear about one of my own.
  4. Jan, I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Run-free, Katie.
  5. Glad you caught it in time. Sounds like a great vet practice as well.
  6. Which product are you using? You might have the vet suggest something else in case your dog is having a reaction to it such as it burning or irritating his skin.
  7. Sweep! Paws crossed here! Please give that girl some ear rubs for us. Petunia will be doing the backandforth backandforth waiting for an update on Monday.
  8. I get it. We weren't planning on a second hound at the time either. We are glad we did though as it made a hige difference and Katie was awesome. These dogs are all about routine. You may find that you need a daily routine where you leave for a little while to get the dog used tot he idea. Even if you just go out and get coffee. The pandemic spoiled many of us with never having to leave the house and spoiled our dogs even more when they got used to us being here all the time.
  9. In addition to the things you are trying, have you tried putting a crate up and leaving it open so he can come and go as he wants when you are away? It may provide the safe space he needs. We had a crate for years and just left the door open all the time. Rocket would go in there and sleep sometimes, but mostly went in there to sunbathe when the good sunbeams were shining on it. We've also had a crate setup a few times when new dogs were in the house, and have been surprised that some of the other dogs that we never thought would go near a crate have gone into the crate to take a nap. When Petunia arrived, she was miserable being here. We quickly figured out that she needed a friend. That's when Kate arrived and all of the pacing, panting and whining stopped immediately. Oddly, now that Kate has passed, Petunia is perfectly fine being an only dog and actually seems to prefer it. Good luck! He will settle in but it's still very early in his adjustment to a new life.
  10. They don't really leave, do they? Keep sending your Mom those signs, Slim.
  11. Another of the favorites on the playlist in our house. She will definitely be missed.
  12. It can take 12 to 18 months before you really see them settle in. Sleeping and eating is a good sign - he's not pacing, panting, whining or destrying things, and no SA. He's good and still getting settled.
  13. I am going to throw another wrench into the mix, but only out of concern for your hound. Have your vet run some fecal tests over the next few weeks until you have at least 3 negative rresults. If you get a positive result, you can start treatment and discontinue the tests until you need to see if treatment was effective. Now - here''s the reason. Hookworms. Hookworms are cyclical and there literally has not been a hound adopted in the past few years that didn't have them. There is lots of info in the hookworm threads in the health and medical section of the site. The hunger is the clue here. If she has hookworms or some other parasite, the middle of the night hunger is very normal. Our last 2 adoptions took almost a year each to eradicate the hookworms using Dr. Ng's modified hookworm protocol. The current strain of hookworms is resistant to the standard treatments, so you may need to do the intensive protocol if you keep getting positive fecals. Even though your group likely gave her a dewormer and you may be giving her a monthly heartworm / deworming pill, it may not be adequate. Do the fecals to be sure that you aren;t dealing with parasites. There will often be stomach upset and some bloody stools during treatment. This is normal and your vet can prescribe meds for those issues as needed. Also, one negative fecal only means that this test was negative. You can get a positive result a few weeks later when the eggs hatch. I don't consider the dog to be negative until I've seen 3 negative tests in a row. I hope you aren't dealing with hooks, but if you are, starting treatment ASAP is the key.
  14. Rocket was on the Purina Rx Kidney Diet in his last year or so. I think the version is Purina NF. Both the canned and dry were apparently okay as the other dogs who visited always wanted what Rocket was eating. Just naother option for a topper if you need one.
  15. We've learned that "whatever works" is the best food to get a senior to eat. I will say that we've been lucky by adding toppings as opposed to needing lots of food changes. A week or two before Trolley passed away she was here on a Sunday and no matter which food we offered whe would just walk away. That was completely unlike her. I pulled my one remaining weapon out of the refrigerator. Nathan's Hot Dogs. She had several that afternoon with her Mom's approval. If she was willing to eat something at that point, she could have it.
  16. Petunia is a big fan of the Purina Pro Plan Focus canned foods. We were feeding the various kinds to Starz to put weight on her and Petunia filed a protest with the home office, so she now gets the canned food as a topper and is happy with that. She does a little dance when she smells the canned food after it's opened. We've fed the Salmon Sensitive Stomach, Beef and Rice, and Chicken and Rice. On Amazon it;s a little under $2 per can but may be cheaper locally in a real store. When dogs have tummy rumbles or won't eat, we usually feed the Evanger's Organic Chciken canned food. It is chicken only so it;s not a complete meal, but we can add to it if needed. I've never had a dog turn that food down. It's pricey, buth that along withthe Evanger's Chicken Dinner and Beef dinner have been big hits with picky dogs at different times. Miss Petunia also gives cottage cheese on her food 4 paws up, so may be worth a try as well.
  17. You definitely did the right thing and by doing so you avoided a potentially tragic accident involving your cat. As others have said, she will find a great home soon, and you will find the right hound for your home. Not every dog works out on the first try, and as of now, everyone is safe because you made the right call. Let us know when you find that right dog. You will be amazed at how well they fit in to your house and you will just know when it's the right fit.
  18. I'm very sorry for your loss. I do remember them.
  19. You'll get better information if you provide your location (just city and state or province etc.) . There are people on this forum from all over the world, so you may find someone here in your area who knows a vet practice that can help you.
  20. Petunia says Thank You! to everyone for all of the birthday wishes. Yesterday, Snickers came over to hang out and celbrate along with several of Petunia's human aunts. The humans ordered Chinese food and the pups had lots of treats. Petunia always likes a party but obviously is still exhausted. This morning she had her breakfast, went outside, then came back into the bedroom which is super dark due to the clouds and rain. She went right back to sleep after breakfast and never made a peep all morning.
  21. What's more stubborn than a stubborn broodie?.....A stubborn broodie teenager! Happy 13th Birthday Petunia! Petunia turns 13 today and you would never know it. She thinks she's about 5 years old. We celbrated with a cheezeburger plane and some fries for lunch. She will also get a whippy cream and peanut butter sundae a little later or tomorrow. I love this girl She is Daddy's Girl 100%, She was especially loving the fact that I was hand feeding her the burger. The Birthday Lunch Guarding the last fry We hope that she is here for many more birthdays! Sorry for the dark pictures. The monsoon has hit Phoenix the last 2 days and we are currently getting a thunderstorm. It is very dark here. Also - she has very wonky thick nails. They are not as untrimmed as they look - they are just her normal nails.
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