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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Dr. Rocket prescribes ice cream. Feel better soon, Val.
  2. So sorry you are dealing with this. Spoil him rotten and post lots of pictures!
  3. Irene, You and your family have had to go through this way too many times. Thank you for all you do for the hounds. Run free, Lucky.
  4. Rocket won't eat his breakfast unless there's cottage cheese on it. Not that he's spoiled or anything..... He will eat anyhitng for dinner, but breakfast must have the cottage cheese or he just stands there until you put it on. I just kind of go
  5. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Run free, Storm.
  6. Jan, I'm so sorry to see this. I know that I got to meet him at a previous Dewey, and wish I had run into you this year just so I could give those great ears a rub. I'm so glad that he got to make one more Dewey trip and another run on the beach. Run free, Ben. Send your Mom a sign.
  7. This is a bad place if you want an objective opinion. Bunch of enablers around here. (Or maybe that's what you were trying for.... )
  8. Green Bag is not grain free. It come in a couple of kibble sizes to make it easier for various sizes of dogs to eat such as Mini Chunks or Large Breed etc, but those are the same food, just with different sized pieces.
  9. Check the kibble bag and see how much they call for based on his weight. Adjust from there. . If the food is particularly heavy in calories you may only need 3 - 3.5 cups per day. If you want to get some weight off of him quickly, substitute a half can of green beans for a cup of kibble in one of his meals daily until you get him where you want.
  10. Just about every fabric softener contains some form of ammonia or ammonium chloride to do the actual softening. Liquids and dyer sheets both use it. If it is the fabric softener causing her actions, she is most likely smelling the ammonia and trying to mark or mask it.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Henry has always been one of my favorites here. Run pain-free, Henry.
  12. If it is allergies, the thing that has really stopped Rocket's itching and chewing is the Springtime Skin and Coat Oil. His seasonal allergies had him constantly scratching. A few weeks after starting the oil the itching completely stopped and he is bunny fur soft. 1 Tsp of oil on each meal. http://www.springtimeinc.com/product/Skin-and-Coat/All-Natural-Dog-Supplements Thanks to Jan at Camp Greyhound for putting me on to this product!
  13. How are his gums? Just wondering if he could be bleeding under the skin somewhere. Did they give you any indication why there is an orange-ish color to the stool? I would be back in touch with your vet or head to an E-Vet ASAP since this is spreading. Hoping it all turns out okay for Jeff.
  14. Wow. Glad he's doing okay. This info should be a sticky here. Our neighborhood has been developed for about 30 years and we've never seen a rattlesnake here, but I know they are around. I'm super vigilant about watching where Rocket and visiting hounds stick their heads when we walk, but also know something like this can happen in an instant. It is a reality that we have to be ready for at all times.
  15. Try the Olewo carrots added to his food. They claim to have some de-worming properties in addition to firming up the stool. You can never assume anything with de-worming. Those worms can hang on for ages and getting rid of them is simply a matter of luck and exact timing of the de-worming medicine. There is no way to know for sure that he is completely de-wormed, as even a negative fecal can be unreliable if you just happened to hit a negative stool sample. It can be frustrating, but eventually you will get them. That being said, it is also not unusual for stools to get looser as the day goes on. They normally aren't mudpies as you described, but they will get looser since they aren't in the hound as long as those first stools of the day are (think overnight and baking...) If the stool is at all like gelatin or has any blood in it, I would say you may still be dealing with worms. If it's just loose and the first stools of the day are otherwise fine, the Olewo carrots added to food will take care of it.
  16. Excitement and anticipation. Greyhounds can be drool machines when they are super excited or really, really happy. You should see our ceramic tile after we have a couple of greyhounds visit for a play date or to stay over.
  17. Run free, Andy. You will be missed here, but never forgotten.
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