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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Great stories! You can practice your craft here anytime!
  2. Donna, I am so very sorry. Losing two doesn't just double the pain it is so much more than that. Hugs to you. Cindy
  3. I would just add that my crew don't feel as satisfied when they eat a meal that doesn't involve chomping on bones. For example, I can give them a pound of tripe or muscle meat or ground fish and they gulp it down and then wander around looking for dinner. However, if I give them a one pound turkey neck or chicken quarter, it takes longer to eat and they are happy to finish and take a nap. Maybe your girl is the same? I only feed my toothless wonder pre-ground food since he cannot chew anything.
  4. I feel your pain! Goose is refusing to eat chicken right now. It is not his teeth. They look beautiful and he chews without issue. He just doesn't seem to like it if the food to too meaty or pulpy or something. He will chew it up and then spit the mess out. However, he will go to town over pork or turkey necks or duck or anything else, but chicken. Currently, I have to cut chicken backs in pieces (they get that everyday for breakfast) to get him to eat them. Driving me crazy. He will be 7 in July.
  5. When my whippet hit 14 or so, he began to develop cognitive issues and would sundown. I found at those times, he would get confused and would do things he normally wouldn't do (pee in house). I started him on Cholodin, which did help. I also had timers in the house to have the lights turn on before it began to get dark to help avoid the disorientation he got when shadows appeared. In his case, both things helped. Hugs to your sweet boy!
  6. She waited for you and John. Once she knew it was forever, she could leave in peace. I am so very, very sorry that your baby girl had to go. Watching the body fail the soul is so very hard. Hugs, Cindy
  7. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry. I always enjoyed your stories and pictures of your handsome guy. Hugs to you.
  8. I have a 12 year old (in a week) that was attacked in his former home and sustained serious damage to his hip and tuck area. My vet believes he has scar tissue that has wrapped around the nerve/tendon running down that leg. He limps. He also has corns on his back feet, which I hull regularly and he wears his boots. He is taking gabapentin and receiving adequan injections, which have helped. He still limps, but he wants to go on walks (just S L O W L Y) and is an active participant in the craziness which is my life with dogs. I understand where you are coming from. While he is happy/content, he will stay and I will continue to manage him as best as I can. I hope this new regimen and the corn hulling gives your handsome boy some relief.
  9. My dogs will stand on their heads for Cheez-its! Hoping it all comes together for you quickly.
  10. Kristin, I am so sorry. You and Fritz are in my thoughts and hoping for some relief.
  11. Brady has LS. He gets 100 mg of gabapentin with each dose. That way, I have room to up it as needed. He also gets Tramadol, as needed, but so far it's usually only in the morning. He is more stiff then. He also has corn on two feet. Some of these guys can't catch a break! I am also giving him Adaquan injections, which have helped his mobility tremendously. He squats to pee. I have never seen him lift a leg, but I just got him at the end of August and he will be 12 in 2 weeks, so I have no comparison. However, my broken leg girl was a lifter and stood on that broken leg to mark all the time. So, you just don't know! Good luck with him. With proper management, the good times continue to roll!
  12. I have been raw feeding for about 7 years. It has evolved over the years to what works best with my crew. I started with having a ground veggie mix every week, but some didn't tolerate it and I don't personally feel that they "need" to have it, so I cut that out. They eat twice a day. Every morning they have chicken backs and liver. The evening meal varies nightly. Chicken quarters, pork neck, ground beef or turkey or pork, venison (in season), fish, turkey necks, duck, pork ribs, stew beef, green tripe. Basically, whatever I find that is reasonably priced. They do get tripe once a week. I will periodically add a raw egg (shell and all) or cooked sweet potato or maybe cottage cheese or yogurt. Maverick cannot tolerate yogurt. I do not grind anything, except for Brady. He has basically no teeth (he arrived that way) and needs it ground. I grind the chicken quarters easily. I also supplement his diet with pet mince of duck or turkey. It's easier for me that way. As for supplements, they get a glu/chro/msm mix and fish oil as a regular staple. Brady gets additional things due to his personal needs. They have all done well on the diet, but I do make accommodations as they age or have other health issues. It is second nature to me now. I have kibble for when Brady goes on strike and will cook eggs or whatever he may desire. I had a easy to read booklet that broke it all down including amounts to feed. I loaned it to someone and don't remember who and it is now gone. If I ever remember the book, I will let you know!
  13. My old vet only had a greyhound or two in his practice over the years when I got mine. (I already used him for my cats.) He asked for any information that I could provide and read everything I gave him. He was awesome. He did have extensive horse experience, though. I live in rural suburbia, if that makes sense. He retired and the vet I have now is a wolf hound expert and has been great. The very first vet I used fired ME from her practice because I didn't want to give my cat the feline leukemia vaccination series. She was indoor only. The vet said that I might as well kill my cat right now. She was well known as "the" vet for cats! I couldn't switch fast enough. Good luck!
  14. Dante broke his leg at home. The dogs all sniffed him and seemed to say goodbye as I carried him out the door to the car. Zoe and Indy grieved tremendously and Indy gave up after that and I lost him 3 weeks later. Zoe was depressed, so I did bring another senior home for her and it was a fabulous match. They bonded quite well and quickly. When, I suddenly and unexpectedly lost Zoe 2 months later at a dental, Brady was very confused and upset - too many changes within his last 4 months. I actually sat down with him and talked with him about Zoe, using her name and telling him she didn't want to leave but she had too. I think the time I spent with him on his bed and using her name helped to calm him. He improved quickly after that and is content with the two, who have never needed anyone but each other. I wish you peace and comfort as you travel this path. I never got to plan or worry about a death - they snuck up on me.
  15. I was always entertained by her antics and happy that she belonged with you and you both knew it! I am so very sorry. The brightest lights burn the fastest.
  16. You will get all kinds of opinions. Two of my greys jog 1.5 - 2 miles with me M-W-F mornings - early. The heat definitely impacts that, so I would be careful. We work up to that distance every year (I don't run them in the winter). We finished a 1.5 jog this morning without any breaks. I do run slower with them than without, though. However, there are times that they don't want to run and I have had a couple that didn't enjoy it. If they don't feel like it, we don't and if they didn't enjoy it, they stay home. I would discuss your preferences with your group and see what they suggest. Good luck! Oh, you will find lots of single women with greyhounds. Single men? Not so much, at least around here!
  17. dante2zoe


    So not fair. I am so sorry. Lost one the same way and it sucks. She had a great life with you and wouldn't have traded anything for a minute, I am sure.
  18. Glad to hear that he is feeling better! Brady has hind end weakness and takes gabapentin twice a day, which works for him right now. It is inexpensive and has helped his mobility. Keep up the good work Zero!
  19. I, too, lost a dog after a dental. All was well. I had even spoken with the vet about how to care for her when she came home. I was to go up there so I could be the first face she saw when she was totally awake. A few minutes later, I get a call to hurry because she arrested. My vet did all she could but couldn't bring my baby back. I was at least able to say good bye and hold her as she left. Gah, this still makes me sob. I so understand you pain. My vet and the staff was almost as distraught as I was. I never saw my vet cry like she did that day. Hugs to you.
  20. I am so very sorry. There is something about those quirky hounds that bury themselves deeply into your heart.
  21. If it brings any comfort, my whippet had cutaneous hemangiosacrcoma twice. Both times, the mass was removed with decent margins. He has since passed but not due to the disease or any variation thereof. Good luck and good thoughts for your girl.
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