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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. All four of them here went crazy, barking and then a full-out roo session! If I had known they would do that, I would have videotaped it myself! Thankfully, my windows are closed since it would have disturbed the little kids next door! Thanks for sharing that!
  2. For pills that help, Brady gets Gabapentin and Robaxin for his hind end and they help. Please let us know how she is, please!
  3. I am so very sorry. I am glad that his passing was peaceful.
  4. Pam, I am so sorry. You have packed a lot of love in that 1.5 years. He knows he is loved, as are you. You are in my thoughts.
  5. You tribute made me cry. I am so very sorry. Sam was one in a million.
  6. Please send my condolences to those who knew and loved pretty Katie Scarlett. She is gone way too soon.
  7. I am so sorry. I think the ammonia smell has something to do with kidney failure, but others with way more knowledge will chime in soon. I went through something similar and it is so very hard. His body gave out before his spirit. My thoughts are with you.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss of your handsome boy. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  9. I am so very sorry. Your tribute for her was as beautiful as she was. I, too, had a female that took no prisoners and I lost her quickly and without warning. The void is palpable. I am still waiting to see who she picks for me next. She did teach my others how to bark, bless her heart. Hugs to you as you enter the next phase.
  10. I will tell the dogs to go potty and they go outside and do whatever. However, if I tell them Cookie Potty, they know there is a treat involved after they go and that they had better keep their knees together for a good long while because I am either going to work or going to bed. Over time, they learned that Cookie Potty meant last outs and they are really good about running outside and doing their business. On a lighter note, I was outside one evening and Goose was being a PITA. I finally told him to "Go potty NOW." I heard a voice over the fence reply, "can I go inside first?" I busted out laughing - gotta love my neighbors!
  11. I bet I know you! Just give her time. Put her front feet up and then hoist her rear. She will eventually do it on her own. If Kramer could be taught to jump in the car, Cookie should do just fine. Cindy
  12. I am sorry for your loss. Freddie sounds like a wonderful guy.
  13. Marc, thinking of you and Pinky.
  14. Zoe HATED having her butt sniffed, but would take those liberties with all other dogs. I finally got her a scarf that read "No tailgating" She improved over time, but it was a right of passage at playgroup to get snarked at by Zoe. If you didn't, then you just weren't worth the effort and that's no good! She kept those boys in line though, let me tell you! It is frustrating though. I feel your pain.
  15. If the sound of your keys is a trigger, why not pick them up several times a day and just put them back down a few minutes or so later so he no longer associates that noise with your leaving?
  16. You will get lots of more experienced responders here, but you need to learn how to trade up. You tried to take something away from her that she covets more than anything else. You try to come in and take one of my kids, for example, and I while I am not an aggressive person, I would take you out in a second. Same kind of mindset. It will be ok. Relax. Now, others will give you specific instructions how to do this. This is not a greyhound only trait, either, btw. Oh, and welcome!
  17. You have gotten good advice. I would also start over like this is her first time in a home and you are teaching her to be house broken. Potty parties and structured more often turnouts and all that good stuff! I feel for you. Goose would regress at various times for reasons I never figured out. He was tested 6 ways to Sunday and turned out to have a tiny bladder (to match his tiny brain, lol) that was also out of position or something. My luck, I had a greyhound with IG plumbing! He was never alone either. I finally got a dog door. Not the ideal solution, but it worked. Gotta get this fixed so your handsome guy can come home! Gotta get it fixed anyway, I know, too.
  18. Brady has corns and wears Therapaw boots. He weighs 63 pounds and has smaller feet, so he wears the size T/D. Lots of places sell them and while I have forgotten the, a group in PA sells them at a good price and the proceeds go towards their hounds.
  19. Maverick had his annual appointment Saturday. I got his blood work back today. His AST was 81 (15-66) and ALT was 233 (12-118). His specific gravity (urine) was 1.011 (1.015 - 1.050), pH high at 8.5 and protein high at 1+. My vet is only concerned about the AST and ALT. He is raw fed (BARF, no veggies) and ate an hour before the appointment. (I didn't think and no one said to fast him, but I should know better.) He has been a touch loose lately, but he got the dead mouse the cat dragged in and I didn't think any more about it. Temperament, activity level, attitude - all normal. He is well exercised and not a scrap of pudge on him. She recommended a repeat test in a month. Anything I should be doing? I am in the throes of dealing with the one year anniversary of 3 pups dying and this bothers me more than I would have thought. Ack! Cindy
  20. Brady has similar symptoms, plus scar tissue that is wrapped around the ligament or tendon (whatever it is) from his hip and down his leg. He takes gabapentin and I give him Adequan injections. We just switched to Ichone with the blessing of my vet. We also just started the Robaxin. I am not sure how long it takes to reach full effectiveness though. Right now, it does make him sleep more and deeper, so I am thinking that it is working and he is more comfortable. I found Tramadol makes him pant more, so we stopped that unless he is really in pain, but he doesn't appear to be. He also takes a theraputic dose of fish oil, glucosamine, MSM and Vitamin C. My four-legged medicine cabinet! I also keep him moving since that is best for his joints. He loves his walks, but I exercise the boys first so they don't pull and let him walk at his own pace. I massage his hips and try to keep the joints loose. Scritches to your guy.
  21. I am so very sorry. He lived in the moment and all his moments with you were keepers. You were loved, Murphy, and you knew it. Best gift ever.
  22. I am sorry that you lost your beautiful girl.
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