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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Brady takes it. He came to me with hooks that were stubborn in leaving. Trifexis is supposed to help with hooks. I do have to pill him though, but he refuses to willingly take any pill other than his renal pill. No adverse effects here. It is crazy expensive, though!
  2. I am so sorry. You did nothing stupid. He was home where he wanted to be. I understand the pain of such a loss. I lost my girl after a dental in November. The vet kept her on CPR until I could get there to say goodbye. You loved him. Enough said.
  3. BTDT and would do it again as long as I am financially able to keep them happy and comfortable. While the loss is awful, I have still gained more than I lost. Those dogs teach you so much about life and dignity and acceptance.
  4. Maverick uses the door without issue when I am not home. He goes outside without a problem when I am home, too. However, he requires permission to re-enter the house when I am home. I have tried everything and ignore him, but he will just stand out there, with rain dripping off his nose, waiting for me to tell him to get his a$$ back in the house. Gawd, I love that dog!
  5. I am so very sorry you and Neko are going through this. Keeping you both in my thoughts.
  6. I use a raised water bowl since that prevents tipping. I took an old Rubbermaid step stool and had a circle cut out of the middle and the bowl drops right in. The cats drink from the same bowl and this gives them a perch to sit on while they drink. Side benefit - I can dump the entire thing in the sink for easier cleaning. The grooves tend to collect dirt.
  7. I am so very sorry. I lost Zoe after a dental, so I understand the shock, pain and disbelief.
  8. Brady is getting the Adequan injections instead of accupuncture for his hind end weakness. My vet is a firm believer of both, but felt that he would get more benefit from the injections at a lesser cost for me. I give him the injections myself and we are down to once a week and it costs me 16.00 per shot. The lesser cost is simply an extra benefit for me. He has improved with the injections, but the degree is unknown since the weather has been cold, windy and damp, which is his worst nightmare for pain purposes.
  9. I remember your trip! She is absolutely gorgeous and I am so very sorry she had to leave. My sympathies.
  10. Hugs to you, Lori and Michael. I am sorry that it was Daytona's time. She was a beautiful, classy girl and I am sure she is already stamping her feet at Bill. Cindy
  11. Oh, Jan, my heart is broken for you. I am just so incredibly sad. Hugs to you, my friend. Cindy
  12. Carol, I am so sorry. Please give Ken and Hannah my condolences.
  13. Dante had osteo with lymph node involvement. When I saw that the lymph nodes were swollen, I made an appointment for him. He was battling Lyme's Disease, so I thought it was a flair up of that. Otherwise, he appeared to be fine. I came home from work to take him to the vet, only to find that he had fallen in the yard with a broken leg. The nodes were full of cancer cells. I never even thought to ask about anything relating to that. I was in too much shock. Gah, this still kills me. I am so very sorry.
  14. I am so very sorry. I remember that story well. Rest well, beautiful.
  15. Pat, I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you. Moe doesn't need a tribute on paper, she already has one in your heart.
  16. Seeing that beautiful face brings tears to my eyes. Linda, I am so very sorry and heartbroken with you. Gary took a piece of a lot of hearts when he left. Hugs to you. Cindy
  17. What a cutie! I am so very sorry.
  18. I am sorry for yours and the Parkers loss. Stella sounds like quite the character!
  19. I am so sorry. What a beautiful girl.
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