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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Robin and Gerritt, I am so sorry that you lost EZ, but am glad that he was able to stay long enough to see his beloved side kick and have him by his side.
  2. I am so very sorry that your beautiful Venus wasn't able to beat this. My thoughts are with you.
  3. Fabulous news! I have no idea what he means, but that everything must be flexing the way it is supposed to. I am so happy to hear that he is healing faster than expected and hope that he doesn't feel too good too fast and over-do something. I have been pulling for you guys. Glad the ornament arrived and would love to see it, too! Happy Thanksgiving, Pam!
  4. I had to let my whippet go at 15.5. His spirit wasn't ready, but his body completely failed him. He had most of his vision, his hearing was almost completely gone, he had early dementia, had a difficult time getting back up when his hind end gave out, was up and down all night and needed to go out at least twice (he slept with me and I carried him up and down the stairs, and was the pickiest eater - I had a buffet for him every meal. However, he was still happy. I was lucky enough to be able to take him to work with me during his last week when I knew he was really deteriorating. However, when he lost his dignity and could no longer stand long enough to pee, I made the decision for him. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. He was not ready to leave, but his body refused to carry on. I lost him on the sedative - before the "pink stuff." I did what was best for him - it certainly wasn't what I wanted. What is best for Flex can only be determined by those who know and love him. So, I truly understand where you are. Have you discussed his health situation with your vet? Mine was helpful in trying to figure out how to navigate those waters. I had lost beloved pets before, but never just to "old age." I hope that your family can help you figure out what is best for Flex. None of us here can do that for you. Growing old is not for the feint of heart. Wishing you peace. Hugs, Cindy
  5. Brady got more restless and would pace, but this was at night. I work outside the home, so if he does this during the day, I have no idea, but he doesn't do it when I am home. My vet found a tear on his cornea that scarred and impacted his vision. I have nightlights around now and that has helped. He also gets his own special "me" time every night before bed. I sit on his bed with him and read a book or play a game or something, just being next to him and periodically rubbing his back. He loves the attention and the closeness and drifts off to a blissful sleep. But, if the behaviors began after you lost Plummer, I would think that there is a connection. Can you borrow a hound for a week or so to see if the behavior stops? I also have music on for Brady 24/7. He doesn't care for silence.
  6. What a gorgeous girl! She may be gone from this earth, but she will always be tucked deeply and safely in your heart. I am so sorry.
  7. Aww. I got my whippet at age 11. He was a doll. Anyway, it is my understanding that not all hemangiomas are cancerous, either. Good luck with her! Indy slept next to me every night for 4.5 years. I so miss my little old man.
  8. dante2zoe


    Petra and Jack, I am so sorry that Tex had to leave. He was such a sweet, handsome guy and I am glad that I was able to meet him. That photo is simply gorgeous, as was he.
  9. When Indy had a large open wound on his rib cage (mass removal and the wound was not healing), my vet debrided the area and we used manuka to promote healing. I changed it every day and gradually went longer as it granulated, as instructed by my vet. Good luck!
  10. Rita, I am so sorry. I feel your pain. Tomorrow is the one year mark for losing my Zoe and I have been thinking about her all week (more than usual). Hugs to you today. Rest well, handsome.
  11. I have been following and am so sorry to read the results. I hope you have many opportunities to share the enjoyable things with Lucas. I, too, have felt that I have failed my dogs at times. I think it is natural to feel that way. Hugs.
  12. Thank you for sharing Malcolm and Lulu with us. I am so very sorry that you have lost them. There is something extra special about the ones who pick you.
  13. I found it at Costco. Is that an option for you?
  14. He is wearing a collar with dangling tags? If so, take them off. The bowl could have rattled in the stand, if you are using one. If you are not using a stand, then try that. I had to change the bowl itself before when one of my dogs became afraid of the bowl itself. It could be the location, too. Is the bowl on a rug so while he is standing there his feet feel secure? Busy area or too secluded? Lots of mix up things to try. Good luck!
  15. I am so very sorry. I had so wished for a better outcome.
  16. Goose growled at Finn for every.single.minor transgression he could think of. He doesn't snap, but will emit a sharp short bark. Walked too close to the couch (Goose is ALWAYS lying on the couch), sat too close to him, looked at him "funny." Goose is a really insecure dog and can be a brat. He tried to mount Finn the first time they met. Finn, thankfully, took most of it in stride (except the mounting and he reacted appropriately) and either ignored Goose (which my others do regularly when he has a stick up his behind) or distanced himself. I let them work it out somewhat, but also walked them together and pet them at the same time in order for Goose to understand that Finn will be a periodic member of the family and that he needs to get over himself. That is the best way to handle Goose. If he gets really obnoxious about something - usually not wanting to share the couch, he unceremoniously gets banned from the couch or bed and he goes a short distance away and sulks. He really is a 4 year old child inside a greyhound body.
  17. I hope Fred is ok. I had my daughter's lurcher for the weekend, who is a cute, 2-3 year old and very puppy-ish in a lot of his behaviors. Goose, who is pretty meek, really had his nose out of joint with Finn being in his home. (Such those long noses! ) Anyway, I know he wasn't in pain but he was not happy sharing my time and attention with yet another dog. We did A LOT of walking over the weekend and by the time Finn left, Goose was much calmer and much less snarky. Hopefully, Fred is just out of whack with having another 4 legged sibling.
  18. Mine don't mind the muzzles. At this point, it is part of their routine. The muzzle goes on and it means that I am not going to be around for a while. They always get a cookie before it slides on. If the muzzle goes on while they are leashed, they know it's time for a car ride and they get all excited and goofy. So, in that scenario, they associate the muzzle with a good thing. Frankly, me being gone so they can sleep wherever they want and without interruption and can tear up my nicely made bed is a good thing in their minds, too! I hope all settles down for you!
  19. I muzzle my dogs when I am not at home, when they are romping in the yard and when they are in the car. This current pack do all get along, but I have not always had such harmony. Better safe than sorry. I also walk them a lot together, which seems to help smooth things out. I am sorry that you are going through this. It is stressful for everyone.
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