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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Aww, Jan. Hugs to you today. Those "firsts" are always so very hard. Coming up on a whole slew of them myself. The light that burns the brightest also burns the fastest. Happy Bridge Birthday, Sweetie!
  2. I am so very sorry. I hope Iker is handling the change okay, as are you.
  3. I am so very sorry. Hugs to you.
  4. Brady has 8 teeth and only his canines are of any possible use. They should have yanked the other 4 when they did the rest. Anyway, I feed raw and just grind his up. He will usually finish about half, then come back inside and lie down. I had feed him the rest. He still doesn't always finish. He does get mild bones, though, but ones for smaller dogs. He has learned to slobber them half to death and then it goes down easily. He also enjoys gumming rib bones and manages to get some meat off using his gums. But, I feed him whatever he wants. Some days it feels like I am running a buffet line! He gets his powdered supplements sprinkled on lunch meat, which will absorb some of it, then it's rolled up and sliced. He always gobbles that right down. I do think he enjoys the royal treatment of being fed in bed, though. He will be 12 in a month (but is not a healthy dog) and I know his time with me is on the short side, so we just enjoy what makes him happy. Good luck with your sweetie.
  5. I have had 5 greys and 3 of them have jogged with me. That being said, I only take them 1.5 miles three times a week. Some runs are better than others - they have off days and don't want to run, so I take a shorter route or walk more or take more breaks depending on their cues. I am currently running with 2 at once. That's a treat! Anyway, I started off with little distances and work their way up to longer routes. I do give them a break half way through, though. They tend to need to relieve themselves. I will also run my route by myself first and then pick them up for the second loop. I don't have the heat intolerance that you have described, though. I run them early in the morning - 5:30 - so it isn't really too hot at that time, even during most of the summer. Good luck! You may just have one that isn't going to be interested in running with you. Two of mine have had no interest so they don't go.
  6. What a handsome guy! I am so very sorry. So many of us understand your pain. Hugs to you.
  7. I am so very sorry! She always did do things her way, didn't she? She was able to pack a lifetime into the short time she spent with you.
  8. I am so sorry. I love that second picture - it says it all. Hugs to you.
  9. Carol, I give the injection subQ to Brady, alternating hips. I didn't even think about how others might do it! Anyway, he gets .2 cc per 10 lbs, so a 1.2 cc injection since he weighs 60 pounds. Each vial is 5 cc and I get 4 injections out of it. I bought a kazillion syringes, too, but you can get them for .20 each or something like that. It has helped Brady, but he has numerous issues, so it wasn't the cure-all for which I had hoped. That old guy (older body then he should have, but that's an issue for another day - he came to me that way last August and he turns 12 in June) takes a ton of supplements and meds, but he is enjoying himself so I am blessed. Poor in money, but rich in the experience.
  10. I just ordered another vial from Drs. Foster & Smith without any issue. Can you get a script and have some sent to you to have on hand? I give the injection myself and it's really no big deal (and much cheaper, thankfully!)
  11. While the quantity of time was less, the quality was immense. Deb and John, I am so very sorry. Run free, pretty girl!
  12. I am thinking of you today. The decision to do what is best is so, so hard. Hugs.
  13. My heart is absolutely broken for you. I have been following and so hoped for better news. You did what was best for your gorgeous boy. I am so very, very sorry.
  14. Wow! I hope they like it. Otherwise, send it down here!
  15. continued good thoughts. Love the pictures!
  16. Holding you and Neko in our thoughts. I hope he gives you a great birthday gift. I am glad that your mom is with you, too. Please update when you are able.
  17. That was beautiful. I am so very sorry you lost your Jabari. It almost seems that the smaller the dog, the bigger part of your heart they steal.
  18. You are both consistently in my thoughts. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through.
  19. Cupid, what a cute name! He will steal your heart, just wait! Oh, and welcome from across the river from Leesburg! He will venture out of his crate more and more as he adapts to his whole new world.
  20. I understand your grief, frustration and anger. But, I also understand your love and devotion, as did they. Wishing you peace and comfort as you continue to process your losses. We share your pain.
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